Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Wadaiko Rindo

Went down to Docklands over the weekend for the Osaka Festival. This year they decided to have it with conjunction to the Melbourne Osaka Yacht Race which is held every 4 years.

I wasn't disappointed when the band I came to see was there. It's the Wadaiko Rindo, a Japanese Drum Troupe. I first saw them last year at the Osaka Festival in the Treasury Garden, then at Moomba Parade and last time was at the Moomba Festival. See the guy in the front? He's name is Toshinori Sakamoto who established this Wadaiko team.

He also hold classes for anyone interested in it and the good ones get to play at festivals like today. Anyone can join, when I see them play I feel like joining also but I worry I might break the drums!

I could never get enough of watching them beat their drums, it's energetic and exciting, loud like thunders. If you ever get a chance to see them perform, don't let it pass you by or you'll regret it because they're that good!

This shot was taken at the Moomba Festival, I took heaps of photos and videos of them but I'll just put one here for you to enjoy. You will love it too, trust me!


Robin Wong said...

hey wuching,
aiyaa, dun worry.. just join them, I am sure an extra drummer wont do much damage, LOL...

Anonymous said...

Did they drum like how the Chinese do in the 24-rhythm drum thingy (during CNY)? I think they hit hard too, but I've never seen them BREAK a drum! Hahhaa..

clement said...

cool, i would love to learn something traditional someday, hopefully it works out

Anonymous said...


Wuching said...

robin: i would ruin the whole session!

pelf: i think they play better than any drums i've ever seen.

clement: what u gonna learn?

SA: were u the lil' drummer boy during christmas?

neo: thankz!

Dabido said...

Osaka ben ga wakarahen!!! :-)

Wuching said...

dabido: u lost me!

SA: awwww....

Dabido said...

I said, 'I don't speak Osaka Dialect' ... only, I said it in Osaka Dialect! ;-)