Hiak hiak hiak! Sales on at MYER and I just couldn't resist it. The dark side in me overrides the good side in me so I mah succumbed to the dark side lor...so buy I must to add to my ever increasing collection.
I'm talking about my Star Wars figurines collection lah, This one is comic book pack which comes with 2 figurines and a comic book. The figurines are the characters from the comic book and not related to the movies so don't worry if you dunno who they are.
This one not on sale leh but I must get it coz it's 30th annalversary edition wan. Stormtrooper from the very first movie and it was the only one left on the shelf so must fast fast get it before someone else get it! Sengkor I know you want this, you should be able to get this in KL also so go get it now!
right away!!!
oi... Scan all the comic page by page and show us ar~~~! Later me, the jedi, kill, wuching.
Now the craze will be Transformers, BUA HA HA HA HA!
may the force be with you
sengkor: good boy
jedi-master: for a jedi u are very cruel like sith!
jonzz: i dun like transformers lah
clement: & u too!
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