Everybody loves something for nothing who doesn't, in the world where everything has to be paid for it's good to know something's still free, or is it?
This gaming venue is offering free bingo on Monday and Friday 9.30am till 11.30am and it's attracting a lot of customers, they are lining up outside the front door before it's even open. It never fail, I see them every Monday and Friday on my way to work. The sad thing is they are mostly pensioners who don't have much to spend but thank god for FREE BINGO! But once it's past 11.30am no more free bingo! By then they are hooked and their asses are glued to the chairs and they can't get up anymore. So play on they will, some may win some money(good on them) but most will lose their money usually their pension allowances, poor old pensioners.
But they'll be back again next week when they get their pensions and they can still enjoy their FREE BINGO!
bingo also can make money ah?
thought it only child's playyy
what child's play, it's for desperate housewives & jiapah enh senior citizens to loose their money wan!
Free Bingo eh..... maybe i should try that when i am there..... to earn some money for my travel...
beer brat-or loose ur travelling money :(
as they said..... double or nothing
Ever since I started to play online bingo a few years ago, I've seen a massive rise in the number of people who play. Online bingo seems to be one of those things that has really caught people's attention especially this year... a bit like the poker boom of last year. I am not complaining though, because there's now loads more free cash offer than there ever used to be.
I wonder how many people will be playing this time next year? I think the fad will have worn off by then.
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