Saturday, November 26, 2005

Guess who's coming...

My apologies to my regular readers for the lack of updates recently partly due to my busy schedules and laziness!
I'm currently busy at work as well as busy at home because some family members consisting of my mother, my brother and his wife with their 2 daughters will be coming to stay over in December. Basically I've been rearranging the whole house around to accomodate the extra guests!

I've just moved all my computer equipments downstair and setup everything and next will be cleaning up the rooms for them! It's hard work! Hard work!

OK..gotta go, more work, no rest for the wicked! Will try to update as soon as everything's a bit settled..


Che-Cheh said...

Hava an enjoyable family gathering tis December. Cheers!

Wuching said...

tenkiu che-cheh!! :)