It's not everyday I get to see an unusual breed of dog so when I saw a particular rare breed I was quite fascinated by it and I wanted to take pictures of it to show you.
It's a dog with very little hair! It's almost completely bald except for the head, paws and tail and I believe they call it the Chinese Crested Hairless which actually didn't originated from China but rather Africa.
Chinese trading ship stopped along the coast of Africa and picked these dogs up because they make good rat catchers on their ships. Later they renamed them Chinese Crested and the name stuck till today.
I tried my best to get it to turn my way so I can see its face but it was more interested in sniffing it's private part to notice me! No amount of tapping on the windows was enough to catch it's attention.
Though it's late winter and the weather is getting warm the owner is obviously worried about the hairless dog catching a cold and thought it needed a jumper!
I know why it's called the Chinese Crested Dog. First thing that came to my mind is, chinese are not as hairy compared to most races. lol. Didn't think much before commenting but yea that was my first thought.
If you watch the 102 Dalmations movie, you will see this dog. Basically, I don't like it. Looks like pariah dog with lots of kudis on the body. Yuck till max!
I know why it's called the Chinese Crested Dog. First thing that came to my mind is, chinese are not as hairy compared to most races. lol. Didn't think much before commenting but yea that was my first thought.
That dog thinks it's a movie star. Marilyn Mongroel! :-)
Eeeee the dog so thin and botak one.
I'm with Che-Cheh on this one.
Too botak!
(Are you sure that the dog's owner didn't just shave it or something?)
You have to pay the modeling fee to see the face.
that is one hell of an ugly dog. Looks like it caught some skin disease.
It should be called a Human dog. All the hair is on the head, the legs and the rear end, and it's almost bald everywhere else.
If you watch the 102 Dalmations movie, you will see this dog. Basically, I don't like it. Looks like pariah dog with lots of kudis on the body. Yuck till max!
MiccObaYb: interesting concept
dabido: haha marilyn mongrel..thats a good one
che-cheh: i thot u love all dogs?
j: nolah, thats how this breed is..botak one!
SA: pay? i dunwan to pay to see an ugly dog!
C4STP: yes like kasam!
jonzz: yeah, lets dress it up with human clothes also!
hijackqueen: i cannot remember that movie anymore but yes i agree i dun like to have a dog like that either
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