Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I've Fallen

I'm feeling rather depressed today. How I wish I could live my life over again so I can avoid making the same mistakes I've made, make right the choices I chose and live a better life.

Sorry but I can't tell you my problems coz it's just too personal and I never post any personal stuff on my blogs. We all have days like these and some days are better than others, nothing I can do about it. Just let me wallow in my sorrow for a while please...


JesieBlogJourney said...

All of us have our ups and downs. After the break, I'm sure you will be fine.


Jo said...

yeah.. nothing much you can do about it. You cannot snap your fingers and expect yourself to snap out of this 'down time'. You are only human and writing it here, even sans the description of the problems, is just your way of keeping it real. And I appreciate that.

I hope it shall soon past, whatever it is that is troubling you now. It always does right? Just need time and some distractions.

Regrets, like I wrote before, who don't have them? It's ok mah. Just don't dwell in them. At least you are not like some people, who don't even have the balls to admit their mistakes. They go.. "la di da.. I didn't do anything wrong or bad.... everything's fine! *whistles*" Bleh!


Anonymous said...

There's always tomorrow and it will be better!

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon..! tomorrow will be better.. i promised..!

Simple American said...

I wanna do over button too. Alas, I don't got one.

clement said...

well, don't worry, regarding the personal post, it's ok to post something like that up :)

Beer Brat said...

Wallowing for a while is allowed, because that's what we call feeling it.

But not for too long. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Aiyooo...cheer up ya :))

ah nel said...

come!let go hv beer to cheer up!!!

Wuching said...

thank you all for your kind words & support

Jonzz said...

Not to sound 'sadistic' but I like this real side of you.

Hope you get over whatever's been bothering you soon. Cheer up ya!

allthingspurple said...

hope you got over your blues...
wish i can reverse my life too, sometimes, over certain things,and i would be so much wiser for it