The Shot Tower is still there, the original building before the complex was built over it and a glass cone was built to cover the whole tower. It was good to come back here for a stroll, haven't been here for quite some times myself..
From The Book Of Wuching
mmmmmmmm...... Melbourne Central.. its only 2 weeks since I left MElbourne for home and it feels like its been ages since I've seen melb central.. hahaha..
especially when i used to pass by the station almost everyday
aww..we should've gotten together b4 u went home! keep in touch jean..all the best!
Nothing about it is new and improved!! If anything it did not need to be changed to the sort of degree it is today regardless of Daimaru's departure!! The level 1 balcony could've stayed the shot tower cafe could've stayed and the chain did not to be removed from the fob watch and neither did the glass lifts from the Lonsdale st entrance. I still think their were better architect's that could've been rewarded the project! ARM are a complete joke!!! It was fine to change everything else but those four things should've never been changed!!!
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