Its that time of the year when the weather is warm and the female fishes practically kena "rogol" by all the male fishes! You see them getting really excited and chasing the females all over the place, "forcing" the females to lay their eggs so the males could fertilize them.
The problem is they tend to eat their own eggs and youngs! So I was prompted to remove as much as possible of the eggs to a separate container to hatch. A couple of days later they all hatched! Not exactly sure how many there are but I estimate about 20 hatchlings. I know most likely that not all of them will survive(1 died already) but I hope to save as many as I could. So Wingz if you're reading this, any tips?
I feel like a grandfather today, clucky and all. Going gugu over gaga!
So you have been watching fish p0rn eh? LOL. Dunno if I should tell you. My goldfish babies rarely survive for a few days only. Brace yourself for some sobby days ahead. But then, probably I bought cheap genes, like RM2 per fish hence, they can't survive. Good luck to you!
wuching, congrats on being a grand daddy...or should i say grand fishie...hehe
5xmom-hehe..no lah..watching fish only lah..hehe..i've had success with hatchlings before so i hope i'll be lucky again this time! :)
jeremy-tenkiu jeremy, u wanna be a goddaddy to the fish? :)
congrats!! :) more fishies ;)
whoa...little goldiess. mating season has arrived huh?? Many hatch some babies of your own perhaps yeah Wuching?
wow ... i neber deliver any newborn fish b4 one ler ... i think my fishes is either gay or lesbo lol ... this one u r on your own sial ....
pls document it and update me also lol maybe nx time i wanna open brothel for fish lol
Most goldfishes are born deformed. Professionals have to cull the deform ones when they are young and feed them to bigger fishes.
80% of baby goldfishes I had last year are deformed. Now I prefer just to buy new ones.
nick-tenkiu beli much! the more the merrier! :)
alex allied-hatch some babies of my own? no lah, too much trouble lah! LOL ;)
wingz-ok i'll document it for u & good luck with ur fish brothel! :)
anonymous-what u said is true, its the survival of the fittest but sad :(
I also have little fishes at home and the number is increasing exponentially!
narrowband-u need to teach me how to keep them alive & well!
LOL at wingz comment. Fish brothel!
5xmom-yaloh! that wingz is damn funny lah! too much lojak i think..
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