T'was the nights before Christmas and all the houses in the streets of Melbourne are alight with wonderful Christmas lights and decorations! I took most of these photos at The Boulevard in Eaglemont where it has become an annual event for the residents here. This house features Santa singing Christmas carols on the front porch! This one is going all out to decorate their front lawn with all sorts of Christmas decorations! Here we have Santa in his sleigh on the roof and the singing bears in the foreground. Nativity scenes like this is everywhere.. This house is actually within walking distance from my house and I think is one of the best decorated houses I've seen this year. This house owner has no more windows left to spare for his Christmas decorations. I've been good all year Santa so I'll email your my list of gift preferences. I think that's Santa and his wife dancing behind the windows. The electricity bill for this month is sure to sky-rocket. Merry Christmas to everybody all around the world!
i love u for posting the pix!! i've been convincing my frens to go but they dn believe me! hehee kekeek btw haf a good xmas!! im off to see those lights! woot!
meey christmas n happy new year
nice pics~~~ and merry xmas
Wow they really decorated their house beautifully. Very inviting...like candy house LOL.
ylang-thank you very much, same to you!
wingz-thank you..you too
che-cheh: yummy candy houses!
i love u for posting the pix!! i've been convincing my frens to go but they dn believe me! hehee
haf a good xmas!!
im off to see those lights!
Very nice pics!!
lil' angel-there's still time to go check out the lights so go tonight!
narrowband-thanz man!
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