Friday, April 27, 2007

The Neighbourhood Cat

There's this cat that spends its time roaming my neighbourhood like a predator searching for its next victim.

I think its a tom cat and it travels from one house to another along the fences. Its very good in balancing itself on the narrow fences that divides the properties.

Blardy meow meow comes into my garden and shits everywhere on my flower beds! You know how stinky cat poos are? If I ever get my hands on him I'm going to skin it alive!

Once one of my goldfish died in the outdoor pond and I suspect it was his doing coz I've seen him eyeing my goldfish! The dead fish looked like it had a claw wound on its body and since then I've put net over the pond and there hasn't been any fatality since.

OK lah it does do some good for the neighbourhood by keeping the rat population down but then hor, it also kills native fauna like birds and other smaller creatures which is bad!

I want to get a catapult or slingshot so I can shoot it down next time it comes to my backyard. But its damn hard to catch him coz he's very quick!

Today is his lucky day coz he's only getting shot by my camera but next time might be a different story!


Cocka Doodle said...

Load up your catapult and fire away!!! I hate cats. They always come to shit on my lawn.

Anonymous said...

my dog keeps the neighbourhood cats away but still they make a lot of noise at night :(

Btw can u pls link my

i need the links :)

Anonymous said...

You wouldn't want to compare cats' poos with me.. I will show you one day...

Anonymous said...

oh..wong produce cat poo oso?


Wuching said...

cocka: chicken & cats of course not ngam lor!

bengbeng: ur dog is not doing a good job, get another dog!

wong: show me ur cat poo!

Simple American said...

Do they sell those chemicals that keep cats away over there? Dogs will work too, but they shit in the garden too.

Wuching said...

SA: yes they do but i've never tried them so ...