Friday, August 31, 2007
How kiamsiap is my Boss?

Live Search

Besides that the search results may also be limited by bias on which search engine you are using because search engines seek to be more appealing to users by giving higher rankings to sites that are more popular.
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Zero Is More

Head over to http://www.zeroismore.com where you can direct your own movie and send it to your friends later to compete with other movies to be the highest rated. Coke Zero: Life as it should be: Real taste zero sugar.
Dreaming of Saint Lucia

For now we are lucky to be able to plan our up coming trip at StLucia-Guide.info where everything we want to know about this tropical paradise can be found including the hotels, airflight info and all the major attractions. So if you’re planning on visiting Saint Lucia in the near future then this site is a first place you need to visit.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Nut Bag

Free Vouchers!

Hairless Dog

Great Gift Idea For Him

Lucky for us there’s Cuff-Daddy.com where they sell cufflinks and other great gift ideas. There are lots of stunning cufflinks to choose from starting at just $8.26 till sold out. Or you might like to get something more sophisticated like the Blue Millefiore Venetian Glass Square Silver Cufflinks at $49.99. And while you’re there you must check out other gift ideas like wallets and key chains.
Great Christmas Gift Ideas

First there’s Halloween which is the kids’ favorite, then Thanksgiving and before you know it its Christmas already! So much to do so little time but thank God for CouponChief.com that’s going to save me some money on all the presents I need to get for the whole family.
Let’s see, I might get some Kmart coupons for the missus since she likes shopping at Kmart so much, some of these coupons can save us up to 50% off the clearance clothing. Then I might get some Spring Hill Nursery Coupons for the father-in-law since he likes his gardening so much and I might just get some Discount Office Supplies coupons for myself. All my Christmas stockings done!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Microwave Popcorn

List your blogs
Alive Blog Directory is created on an established main Alive Directory resource that offers comprehensive selection of blog categories and choice of standard or deep link on yearly or permanent submission options. If you’re like me who’s not too familiar with SEO but still want to make the most to increase traffic then this is the best way to go. Submit your blogs today to take advantage of this great directory and watch your traffic soars. Prices start from $49.95 per year payable with major credit cards and paypal.
Romantic Getaway

Sunday, August 26, 2007
Enjoy them while they last

Aren't they nice to look at? They only flower this time of the year and don't last very long either so must enjoy them while they last. I would grow one in my garden but they don't flower often and they are deciduous meaning they drop their leaves in winter and we only get to see the flowers for a few weeks of the year. So just enjoy them in the streets while they last.
I enjoyed today

So with warm weather comes spring cleaning, I did a lot today. Vacuumed and mopped the floor, change the water in the fish tank, cleaned out the canister filter of the fish tank, cleaned out the fish pond outside, water the gardens and washed the car. When the weather is warm like today I just spring to life and want to get stuck into doing anything around the house and I'm glad I did so I'm very proud of what I've achieved today. Good for me! Tomorrow will be a similar day as today so I've already planned to mow the lawn and do some other gardening stuff. This is the sort of weekend that I like and enjoy. Y'all have a good weekend now y'hear!
Learn Mind Control

Imagine with the ability of hypnosis we would be able to help people overcome their fears, control people’s thoughts and even to change our own thoughts to kick off our bad habits! So go check out this site now and learn hypnosis to change your life, you can even use it to better yourself as well as people around you.
Good blogging tips from blogging sifus

-Start Copy-
It’s very simple. When this is passed on to you, copy the whole thing, skim the list and put a * star beside those that you like. (Check out especially the * starred ones.)
Write your own blogging tip for other bloggers.Try to make your tip general.
1. Look, read, and learn. http://www.neonscent.com/***
2. Be, EXCELLENT to each other. http://www.bushmackel.com****
3. Don’t let money change ya! *****
4. Always reply to your comments. http://chattiekat.com/****
5. Blog about what you know & love. http://sugar-queens-dream.blogspot.com****
6. Don’t use filthy language-buy a dictionary. http://shinade.blogspot.com***
7. Blog about something educational http://climateofourfuture.org**
8. Be yourself; others will follow http://sfgirl-thealiennextdoor.blogspot.com
9. Don’t have too many blogs that will become a chore to maintain http://cubicledenizen.blogspot.com*
10. Keep it simple, user-friendly, interesting and organised! http://erishaling.blogspot.com***
11. Keep the blog simple and sweet!! http://www.leslieho.com **
12. Share with others your thoughts and don’t be shy! http://groovy-olives.com/blog
13. Never ask for link exchange. Blog hop to increase traffic. http://www.jessieling.com*
14. Blog about something uniquely you. Or post some unique pictures http://bernardchan.net
15. Avoid too lengthy posts e.g. less than 200 words if you can help it. http://www.mylongkang.com*
16. Avoid Doing Tags.. clementwongpy.blogspot.com
17. Remember to go to the toilet when nature calls, don't just sit glued to the computer or you'll shit in your pant! http://wuching.blogspot.com
–End Copy-
Now to tag 5 more sifu bloggers;
1. Che-cheh
2. Ah Bong
3. Helen
4. Jomel
5. Jamy
Keep your identity private

There’s only one product out there that can help stop this and that is using software that can hide IP address of your computer thus stopping would-be hackers from gathering information from your computer. Go to http://www.hide-my-ip-address.com/ now to learn more about this software and buy it today for peace of mind. Your identity is private so keep it that way.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Just get it over with!

Viva Las Vegas!

Get out of the rat race

Home Office

Furniture for our new home

Romantic Weekend

Vacation in the Midwest

There are lots of museums to visit like The Titanic which is a striking landmark attraction, water rides, miniature golf and the great outdoors like the Dogwood Canyon Nature Park. There’s simply too much to do there that keeps you coming back year after year. I’m off to Branson now!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Get a better credit card

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
The Story Of D Part 8
- The story of D Part 1
- The story of D Part 2
- The story of D Part 3
- The story of D Part 4
- The story of D Part 5
- The story of D Part 6
- The story of D Part 7

Yesterday was no different, he started playing his poker and despite his mother telling him to stop he continued playing. After much nagging on his mother's part D threw a big tantrum and started swearing and yelling abuse at his mother. He also kept on ranting about how he lost his business to his parents (read part 1) and so forth and so forth. Reluctantly he went back to work and after an hour's time he left work. His mother went home as well clearly upset with D and complained to D's dad. D's dad rang up D and gave him a grilling on the phone.
This morning D's dad said D won't be in for the rest of the week due to his duty at the voluntary fire brigade in doing back burnings. Funny how D's wife rang up asking to speak to D and was told he hasn't shown up nor called, seems like the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing!
Keep cool this summer

There are so many types of modern ceiling fans to choose from so why not give them a look today and choose the right fans for your house. Do your bit for the environment as well when you choose a ceiling fan to an air conditioner!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Solution to a problem

So to find a solution to this problem I've started spraying the young shoots with Poss Off a deterent that works by giving the shoots a strong odour and hot taste of chilli which hopefully the possums will find unappetizing and leave my plants alone. I'm still trying out this product so don't know if it's effective or not. I've also installed sensor light in the back so if anyone of them comes in the night the light will come on hopefully scaring them away. Fingers crossed and pray!
SMS for dates!

From here I can browse and choose which girl I like, I will then ask for the girl’s number which will be sent to me via SMS for a fee. How easy is that? Whenever I feel bored and like some company all I need to do is my mobile phone and I get to meet so many hot girls so come on guys, you don’t have to be alone tonight!
Signs of Spring

Jeans will do me fine.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Ngak Kuai Lou

Save on printer ink

So when you need ink for your printer you just need to log on to InkCartridgesDirect.org.uk for the best deals in ink cartridges either genuine brand names or generic brands.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Plan your travel

Here you can read all about what real travellers from all over the world talk about their travels, how they planned their trips, where to get cheap accommodation and what tickets to purchase. RealTravel.com is the only travel guide you need for your next overseas trip. It is written by real travellers, who can show you all the places they’ve been to and give you positive or negative reviews of those places.
So make use of this travel guide to plan your trip with their free trip planner and save some money with some travel deals selected by their editors. You can also share your travel with their free travel blogs thus helping other travellers with their trips.
Friday, August 17, 2007
British Gas Launches Greenest Energy Tariffs

Press Release:
BRITISH GAS LAUNCHES GREENEST ENERGY TARIFF9 August 2007: British Gas has announced it is launching two new green energy tariffs, Zero Carbon, which will be the greenest tariff available on the domestic market and Future Energy. British Gas has launched the tariffs, in response to the increasing demand for green energy products.
Householders signing up to the Zero Carbon tariff will:
• reduce their household energy carbon emissions to zero through Kyoto compliant offset schemes which will meet the new Defra requirements
• help fund a direct increase in investment in renewable energy generated in the UK
• contribute to the new British Gas green fund which will:
o invest in developing new renewable technologies such as wave power
o oversee a programme to help schools in the UK reduce their CO2 emissions
Gearóid Lane, Managing Director British Gas New Energy said,”Our new tariff responds to consumer demand for truly green energy solutions. It is essential that customers have confidence in green energy tariffs and that their credibility is not damaged by tariffs that claim to be green but in reality do not deliver any incremental environmental benefits. Green tariffs are moving from niche to mainstream products and we’re leading the industry by offering a tariff that will do more for the environment than any other product currently available.”
Under the government’s Renewables Obligation (RO), electricity suppliers in the UK are already required to produce an increasing percentage of their electricity through methods such as wind farms which, unlike traditional power plants, produce zero carbon emissions. For 2007/2008 this figure is set at 7.9%.
In a recent report, the National Consumer Council (NCC) raised concerns that some energy suppliers are packaging electricity which is produced under the RO scheme as “green”, yet it delivers no additional environmental benefits. The NCC called on energy suppliers to take steps beyond their legal requirements and offer green energy tariffs that provide genuine additional environmental benefits, in particular CO2 emissions reduction.
British Gas worked with Global Action Plan and The Climate Group’s “We’re in this Together” campaign to develop Zero Carbon which goes further than any other green tariff in meeting these requirements offering consumers the only zero carbon option on the market.
The tariff carries a premium of £84 per year, reflecting the higher cost of producing energy through lower carbon emission schemes.
Virginia Graham, Chair of Global Action Plan, said, “The British Gas Zero Carbon tariff delivers on all three of the essential requirements of a green tariff which are: additionality, transparency and verifiability. As such it is a very welcome new offering in the market. Consumers signing up to the tariff can be confident that they are getting 12 per cent more renewable energy than they would otherwise have got. The carbon emissions from their electricity and gas will also be offset with emissions reductions from projects accredited by the United Nations.”
Zero Carbon is one of the first initiatives launched through the ‘We’re in this Together’ campaign, which was launched in April 07 as an alliance of some of the UK’s biggest brands who are all working to help their customers reduce their impact on the climate.
Dr Steve Howard, CEO of The Climate Group and founder of ‘We’re in this Together’ said, “We’re committed to offering people ways to make a real impact on climate change through Together.com. We’ve worked with British Gas to ensure that Zero Carbon is a genuine step forward in delivering more environmental benefits than any other tariff currently available.”
British Gas’s second green energy tariff, Future Energy, offers an alternative green electricity tariff at a premium of just £20 per year. Customers signing up to this tariff will contribute to a green fund which will provide solar panels and other renewable energy technologies to UK schools. Money from the fund will also be invested in development of future renewable technologies and sources.
To sign up customers can call British Gas on 0845 604 0055 or visit www.britishgas.co.uk
Thursday, August 16, 2007
The Story Of D Part 7
Sorry about the last post, I was feeling down but I'm feeling much better now. Life goes on whether we like it or not so just deal with it! Nothing makes me feel more good than writing another story of D and here's part 7;
To read previous chapters;
- The story of D Part 1
- The story of D Part 2
- The story of D Part 3
- The story of D Part 4
- The story of D Part 5
- The story of D Part 6

One day A borrowed D's golf clubs and shoes to go play golf with his friends. D has a golf game coming up this weekend so he asked A to return his golf gears. A said he's got the clubs but he has lost his golf shoes which D paid $200 for!
So to make A learns responsibility D told A to buy him a replacement shoes so today he bought him the cheapest and fugliest shoes D has ever seen! It costs only $80 and it is fuggling ugly! A said he's got no money to buy him an expensive shoes so this is all he could afford.