The world is full of them; idiotic, selfish, asshole, wanker drivers who's too stupid or too lazy to find a parking bay like everyone else but think they are so special that they have the god-given right to park wherever they fricking like!
Come on Deeva show some decency, this is not your house where I'm sure you park anywhere you damn like. This is a public car park for crying out loud and even if you were just going to be a minute or two does not excuse you to park by the kerb on the driveway.
I'm sure if the council would paint a parking bay right there if they intended it to be one so get your ass off it. You should have your licence cancelled for six months to teach you a lesson in road courtesy.
at first glance,i thought the car behind the lil tree in the first pic is a proton saga! then i saw the number plates.only then i realised the pic wasnt taken in msia.
reallybites-it's a mitsubishi, then again proton saga was made from that so i don't blame u, there r lots of saga here too but not that one.
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