OK, OK, so I lied. Said I'm not updating over this long weekend but look what I'm doing now, updating my blog! Well I was looking forward to this long weekend where I could forget about blogging for a while but then I get a reply from PayPerPost last night telling me my blog has been approved to write for them! Yes, I've sold my soul to the Devil for money! Just like everyone in the blogosphere who have decided to make a decent buck from blogging, I've also decided to do so. Monkeys see, monkeys do!
Oh well, at least it's a good way of filling in some days when I have nothing to post so they do make great filler posts. But then again PayPerPost has too many rules and regulations plus quotas that must be fullfilled or else you're dropped like a sack of potatoes so I hope I can keep up because I tend to be lazy in writing posts, especially posts that I don't even know what the heck it's supposed to be. Some more this is turning into more like a chore than blogging for fun.Writing about products and places I've never used or been before takes some imagination so I guess I would feel a bit uneasy when I write my first pay post. But if everyone can do it, then why can't I? I so kiasu I don't want to be left behind so if I can't beat them, I'll join them! See how long I'm going to last, the money is better going to the main motivator or else I'll be back writing crappy posts on what I did last weekend again!

Woohoo! Welcome to the $$$ side :)
It's irresistible, isn't it?
Anyway, this is only the beginning. Later, you'll go dot.com
i support sama lu!!!!!
you can do it!!
hhaha! ^_^
if it is fast money..i want the money too! haha
i ate so much in melbourne meh?
u need to earn extra to wait for me for another trip ah?
chia wa jiak kampua ah... mai diam diam when you earn big bucks ah
OMG !!!
Wuching is with the dark side now....
why wuching, why?
Ahhh finally!!!
You going to make lots and lots with a PR5 blog.
Go for it!!!
Welcome to be a part of us hahahaha...
pablopabla: yes i've joined you! when are u going dot com?!
erin: thank u! i can do it!
cynthia: nolah..but thatnks for the reference!
clement: sure no problems! u chia me blue splendour!
robin: coz i hungry & no money buy bread mah!
che-cheh: i will follow u...follow u wherever u may go..
ah pek: tenkiu taikor! i'm going for it!
kyels: woohoo!
irene: tenkiu for having me!
Wah, your belly very nice! Very fit.
ahaha!! at long last, you've succumbed! wei, use whose referral arr?? got use mine or not??? always come n kacau me - u had better use me as referral arr. :P anyway, it's always abt the money lar.....:P
I dot.com makan and review blog. No time to add another dot.com for the whatever lah...
neo: wei wei wei! stop oggling at my belly button!
yvy: hehehehe..i didn't...*runs*
pablopabla: according to PPP terms & condition if u dot com an existence blog then mati lah! have to build up the blog over time!
SA: that belly nice wor..i think i can horiday there!
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