I’m thinking of going back to Malaysia and Singapore sooner rather than later. The thing is there are usually some really good flight deals going around so I’m looking for the best deal I can find. To save time I just log on to ShermansTravel.com where I can find and compare all the different deals being offered by the different airlines and hotels. This way I let them fight over my business and I save a bundle!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Building Fine Molds Millennium Falcon Step 3 Part 2: Cockpit extension
With the cockpit fully occupied with our heroes its time to build the rest of the cockpit and that includes the outside shell and the windshield completing the whole cockpit module.
The 3 main pieces that make up the cockpit module are the upper tunnel, lower tunnel and the half cone that the cockpit sits in. All had to be spray painted with Tamiya's AS-16 light grey first.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Water purifiers
Water from our taps has gone a long way from the clean water reserve along pipes that are old and contaminated. By the time the water gets to our house it is laced with contaminants, I wouldn’t think of drinking that at all.
But there is a way around it and that’s by installing water purifiers that removes the contaminants before it comes out of the tap. This way we can have pure water again!

Break the price barrier
DIEW! Petrol price hits another record high today; 164.9 cents a litre! Motorists were all expecting a jump in petrol price today and BP didn't disappoint us with their new record price barrier in Doncaster.
With the rate its going we will soon be paying over $2 per litre by Christmas! So should we still be driving at all? Time to get myself a horse and wagon and do it the old fashion way I reckon!

Chance of a lifetime
Here's your opportunity to get recognized and spotted by modeling agencies throughout the world. Visit http://www.lookoftheyear.com for your big break as well as winning a USD10, 000.

They are looking for beautiful people from all around the world to be the next supermodels to be based in Paris, Milan and New York. This is the chance of a lifetime so make sure you’re in it.

They are looking for beautiful people from all around the world to be the next supermodels to be based in Paris, Milan and New York. This is the chance of a lifetime so make sure you’re in it.

Deal or No Deal Star Wars style
How cool is that?! Just got told by Serenity that they have a Star Wars themed Deal or no deal on their local television where everyone's dressed up in their favorite Star Wars characters.
So immediately I went googling for it and sure enough they do have it! I wonder if the Australian version will follow suit. I hope it does because though I don't really watch this show here I wouldn't mind sitting through an episode of Star Wars Deal or No Deal!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Sexy lingerie and corsets
Women need to feel sexy all the time and nothing makes them feel sexier than lingerie and corsets. Corsets not only make you look sexy it also helps slim down your body and make it conform to a fashionable silhouette.
Check out LingerieDiva.com to find some of the sexiest lingerie with marked down prices that would suit any budget. Ladies make your men drool for you!
OfficeWorks selling Dell computers now
Okay maybe I'm a little bias but my favorite brand name computers are Dell computers. Personally I've only ever had 1 Dell notebook but I've seen many Dell computers before and have found them to be better than other brand name computers.
Up until now if you want to buy a Dell system you had to buy it online on their website but just recently Dell systems are being sold at OfficeWorks stores throughout the country. That's fantastic if I ever need to buy another Dell machine but would the same system be sold at different price if we were to buy it online? Or does OfficeWorks only sell specific machines that cannot be bought online? I need to find out more.

Monday, May 26, 2008
Baby bedding
Want to get some really nice baby bedding gifts and furniture? BabyBox.com has the biggest range of luxury baby clothes, gift baskets and nursery décor I’ve ever come across. This reminded me that I got to get some gifts ready for my sister’s baby shower next week. So exciting every time a new baby is born!
Building Fine Molds Millennium Falcon Step 3 Part 1: Seating the cockpit
Now that I've finish building the cockpit and painted all the 4 occupants my next step is to sit them in the cockpit's chairs.
While I was putting them in I noticed the cockpit was a bit small with not much room to move about when they've all sat in there!
Oh well they're comfortable I'm sure. It's a permanent spots so I glued them down to the seat so they can't escape. Next I have to work on the cockpit extension.

High pressure sodium lights
Did you know that not all grow lights are the same? There are grow lights and there are high pressure sodium lights which are the best grow lights in the industry and they’re available at AccessDiscounts.us where you can find all your lighting needs under one roof. I want nothing but the best for my greenhouse.
Building Fine Molds Millennium Falcon Step 2 Part 4: Painting Han
Finally I got to paint the pilot of the Millennium Falcon and he's none other than the scoundrel who melts Leia's heart. He's Captain Han Solo the Corellian smuggler with a price on his head.
His shirt and pant colors were actually not white and field blue like I painted them. The shirt's supposed to be off white and the pant navy but I don't have those colors and I couldn't be bothered going to get new paints for him. So I just used what I had.
And there you have it; all 4 of them like in the scene from Episode 4. In the next step I will put them in the cockpit seats. Actually I did all these in 1 day which is going too fast for my own good.

One stop lighting shop
While browsing through the pages at AccessDiscounts.us for my grow lights I noticed they sell other lighting systems as well like commercial lighting and even residential lighting. This is indeed a one stop shop for all your lighting needs, anything you can think of regarding lighting you’re bound to find it there. Check it out now.
Building Fine Molds Millennium Falcon Step 2 Part 3: Painting Ben
Painting old Ben Kenobi was a bit of a challenge especially his beard. I had to do it just right! But the rest are quite easy enough; his robe was a reddish brown and so was his belt.
Then his tunic was a deck tan color, next the flesh color for his face and hands follows by his white hair and beard. And finally of course I had to paint his lightsabre a silver color.

Grow Lights
I’m thinking of starting a hydroponics garden so I can grow some tomatoes. There’s a lot involved like all the specialized equipments, a special greenhouse and grow lights to help them grow big and strong. Lucky for me there’s a place where I can get all the lighting systems I need at Access Discounts and the prices are very reasonable too.
Building Fine Molds Millennium Falcon Step 2 Part 2: Painting Luke
Painting Luke Skywalker wasn't as simple as painting Chewbaca where I only needed one color. This time there's a few colors involved and I had to be super careful not to mess it up.
Remember the figurine is only about 2 cm high so its not easy. Luckily for me his clothes were all white that left me to color in his hair, boots and belt. Finally I painted his skin color on his face and hands before giving it the final touch of a tiny bit of silver for his lightsabre.

Sunday, May 25, 2008
Golf Apparel
My friend Selwyn is a golf enthusiast and my other friend Paul is following in his footsteps in taking up golf also. So next time one of them have a birthday coming up it should be easy for me to pick up a present for them. I’ll just pick up some Golf Apparel from the golf shop at Blind9Golf.com. Easy!
Sometimes if I wake up early enough I can see these hot air balloons floating above my house. But it would have to be a calm day or else it'll be too dangerous to go up there.
There was a time when they were getting really low, so low that I thought they were going to hit my roof! I could even see the pilot in the basket trying to lift the balloon higher.
I haven't been seeing them lately because I haven't been getting up early enoigh to see them. Its too cold in the morning to get up so early okay? I'd rather be in my warm bed thank you very much.

I haven't been seeing them lately because I haven't been getting up early enoigh to see them. Its too cold in the morning to get up so early okay? I'd rather be in my warm bed thank you very much.
Side X Side Parts
Browsing through the website of Dragon Fire Racing I noticed also they have the UTV and Side X Side Parts in one of their catalog pages. That reminded me that my cousin Larry has a few of those buggies he uses in his farm down in Gippsland. I think he would be most impressed with the website as he’s always telling me how hard it is for him to find parts for those vehicles. I’ll email the link to him now.
The Clone Wars
I'm so excited waiting in anticipation for the new Star Wars movie coming out this August. Its the Clone Wars an animated movie set between Episode 2 and 3 and chronicles the stories of the battles that was fought during this time.
Though it has been been shown as a TV series this movie version is a better animation than the TV counterparts and it has to squeeze all the stories into one movie. I wonder how they're going to do that..we'll just have to wait and see.

Yamaha Rhino 700 Parts
After I’ve shown my racing maniac friend DragonFireRacing.com website he’s gone mad trolling the site for parts for his racing car in particularly the Yamaha Rhino 700 Parts they have selling there. This is definitely a one stop shop for all your racing parts, body kits and racing jacks. Go check it out for you, there’s just too many to mention here.
Foggy day
Last week we had one of the coldest day in May; we woke up to a foggy chilly morning of 3C. There was ice on my car and all the way to work on the freeway the visibility was a mere hundred meters.
Its good to know everyone has the sense to drive carefully. Most had their headlights on and were driving slower than normal so as not to cause an accident. The fog didn't lift until quite late into the day.

ATV Exhausts
I had a friend who was into motor sports and boy did he love his racing car. He’d spend all weekends fixing his car, modifying parts to get it to go just a fraction faster than his opponents. I should introduce him to DragonFireRacing.com where there’s everything he needs for his car like ATV Exhausts and much more.
Building Fine Molds Millennium Falcon Step 2 Part 1: Painting Chewbaca
In step 2 we get to paint the pilots and passengers to be seated in the cockpit chairs. I had a choice of choosing the scene from episode IV or episode V and I chose episode IV simply because it was the first movie.
In episode IV we have Han Solo and Chewbaca as the 2 pilots and then we also have Luke Skywalker and Ben Kenobi as the 2 passengers. In episode V those 2 passengers are changed to Leia and C-3PO.
I'll start with Chewbaca first because its the easiest. It just needed 1 color and that's reddish brown the color of its hair. I didn't even have to worry about its utility belt. Next I'll paint Luke Skywalker which will take a few paints.

Satellite communications
Companies that deal in field works across the globe can benefit from satellite communications as provided by IP Access International, provider of internet voice data over satellite to businesses everywhere worldwide. Visit IPInternational.net to find out how your business can take advantage of this fast and reliable internet service using satellite technology.
Building Fine Molds Millennium Falcon Step 1 Part 2: Finishing the cockpit
Most pieces of the cockpit are painted flat black with the exception of the pilot seats and parts of the passenger seats which are painted with deck tan. Then decals representing control panels are applied to the dashboard as well as the wall behind.
There's even the pilots' control sticks which are painted in silver. They were damn small to handle and I nearly lost them a few times when I was working on them. Once every thing's painted its time to put them all together.
Here's the complete cockpit. In the next step I will be painting the pilots and passengers to be seated in the chairs. There's Han Solo, Chewbaca and 2 other passengers. Who do you think they'll be?

Saturday, May 17, 2008
Setting up the guest room
I need to set up a new bed in the guest room for when my friends come over from time to time. Up until now they’ve been sleeping on the sofa.
Though they weren’t complaining it was getting a bit embarrassing having them sleep on the sofa every time they come over. It doesn’t have to be a luxurious bed, something nice and comfortable like a memory foam mattress will do. With a new bed set up at least they can be more comfortable, not too comfortable I hope or else they’ll never leave!

Building Fine Molds Millennium Falcon Step 1 Part 1: The Cockpit
Today with the weather cold and wet its a good day to stay indoor and start on my new project; building Fine Molds Millennium Falcon. This project will probably takes me a year to complete but the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
And the journey of this project begins with Step 1 as well; starting with the famous cockpit where we got to see Han Solo and his co-pilot Chewbaca made the jumps into hyperdrive so many times before.
The cockpit is mainly black in color so all parts had to be painted with flat black except for the seats which are to be painted with a tan color which I haven't got yet.
Next the back wall of the cockpit is decorated with 3 decals of control panels full of dials, switches and levels. Oops! They're a bit crooked but too late to redo them now.

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Perfect for mum
What do you give to the most beautiful woman in your life, your mother on Mother’s Day?
Sure she’ll love some flowers, breakfast in bed or lunch at the country club. But how about getting a beautiful 14 Karat gold bangle from JewelElegance.com as the icing on the cake to top off her day? There are many designs to choose from at very reasonable prices with free shipping too.

Saturday, May 10, 2008
Building Boba Fett's Slave 1 Step 17: End Game
Today is the last step in this project which started back in February and has taken me all these months to finish. And finished it I have and I've absolutely enjoyed it.
The ship and its stand are all finished so the last step is to paint a standing Boba Fett to have it standing next to the ship to get a sense of how big the ship is in relation to a man.
As usual the figurine is only about an inch tall and all the different parts of him had to be painted with different colours, including his jet pack. I had to mix 2 batches of different colours for the clothing as well as his armour. Unfortunately the colours didn't turn up quite as close as they did the first time I painted Boba in the seating position.
This edition of Boba Fett kit also comes with a bonus piece; Han Solo frozen in carbonite as was in The Empire Strikes Back. It is made of metal and I didn't bother giving it a coat of paint since it looks quite good just the way it is.
After the paint dried I glued Boba Fett and the frozen Han Sole on the stand right next to the ship. This should give observers an idea the size of the ship in relation to a man.
Well that's it for another project. I will keep this with all my other models in the display cabinet. Time to have a short break from scale modeling before I start on my next project; FineMolds Millennium Falcon!

Thursday, May 08, 2008
Budget car rental
Next time you go traveling either in holiday or business, leave your car at home. It’s just too time consuming driving there and back and way too tiring. Also if you’re going overseas then you really can’t take your car with you.
Instead use the car rental services at all the major airports around the country and even from around the world from Advantage.com. Check out all the specials they have on offer now and rent a car for just $19.99 a day. They have all type of cars you need be it a sedan, van or an SVU. And you can drop the car off at different locations other than where you pick it up.
Scared me to death!
One day last week when we went to Collingwood Library we saw something that nearly shock us to death! As we were parking the car my eyes caught something dark in amongst the trees...
Then I saw this legs on the branch off a tree and it looked like some woman was has hung herself from the tree! Stupid woman, climbing on the tree like that. Scared the bejesus out of me!

Monday, May 05, 2008
Looking for baby clothes
Now that winter’s here I’m desperately looking for some new warm clothes for the kids. I’ve also been searching high and low for some baby clothes for my sister’s baby too.
There are not many choices out there at the moment so I’ll try buying online. They have some really nice ones at SandboxCouture.com so that’s where I’ll be getting them clothes.

Sunday, May 04, 2008
Building Boba Fett's Slave 1 Step 16: Displaying the ship
Step 16 is the second last step of the project and it just involves a few simple touching up, a bit like Step 15 but slightly more.
In Step 15 we built the display stand and in Step 16 we need to build a little sign for the name of the ship and we also have to put in some decals for the display stand before displaying the ship.
The name sign is very simple; just a rectangular sign with a triangular back for support.
Then I proceed to install the decals of the name on the sign, the Star Wars on the display stand with the Mandalorian logo as well.
At last the ship can be displayed on the stand. Only 1 more thing left to do and that's in Step 17.

Saturday, May 03, 2008
When we’re searching for that particular MP3 files or videos to download off the internet sometimes it can be like finding a needle in the haystack. Introducing MP3Rocket the program that lets you find all the free music downloads you want and much more.
Go to MP3Rocket.com now and download the free basic version so you can also try it for yourself to see how easy it is to search the web for your MP3 files, video clips and software programs you’ve been searching for from around the world. Finding your MP3 is easy and fast; simply type in your keyword of the songs you’re looking for and MP3Rocket will search and find the files for you. It’s that easy so try it out today.

Building Boba Fett's Slave 1 Step 15: Building the display stand
This step is a quick and easy step; building the display stand. It's pretty straight forward and I didn't even bother to paint the parts since it's just a display so I didn't want to waste any paint.
Basically there are 4 pieces making up the display stand; a flat base, 2 side towers and a middle piece that braces the 2 towers together. The 2 towers and the brace all sit snugly into the flat base.
Though it's just a display stand I was careful to take the parts off the tree and making sure no leftover bits of plastic are left on the parts before gluing them. Though not so important it needs to be neat.
And there you have it; one display stand completed without painting. I do have to put in some decals though and that's in the next step where I get to hang the ship on it too.

Video Cards
One of the most important factors that determine good computer systems is the video cards that go into them.

Computer systems that run on the best CPU or the biggest hard drives or the most amount of RAM are nothing more than glorified typewriters if they don’t have quality video cards. So make sure your next computer has a good quality video card included in the whole bundle.

Computer systems that run on the best CPU or the biggest hard drives or the most amount of RAM are nothing more than glorified typewriters if they don’t have quality video cards. So make sure your next computer has a good quality video card included in the whole bundle.
Building Boba Fett's Slave 1 Step 14: Putting it all together
This step of the project has got to be the most fun I reckon before in this step I can finally put together all the sub-assemblies that I've been working on all these months to complete the ship!
Yes now that I've finish building all the 4 sub-assemblies that include the main hull, the undercarriage and the 2 side wings I can glue them all together to form Slave 1 the Mandalorian craft.
I must say I think I did a better job with this kit than Jango Fett's Slave 1 because I've actually spent more time on this one and tried my best to follow the painting instruction and most importantly I was more patient this time.
And patience pays off in the end; here's my Boba Fett's Slave 1 completed! But wait the project's not finish yet because I still have to build the display stand for it and a little standing version of Boba Fett to stand next to the ship to give you a sense of the scale. All that coming up...

Thursday, May 01, 2008
Acne free skin
It seems that no one is immune from getting acne, some people get very serious acne problem but some people like me are more fortunate in that we don’t get as bad acne as some.
I guess prevention is the best medicine, keeping your skin clean and healthy will help in preventing bad acne but if you still get really bad acne then a proper acne treatment may be needed. Visit AcneCuresRevealed.net for more information.
I guess prevention is the best medicine, keeping your skin clean and healthy will help in preventing bad acne but if you still get really bad acne then a proper acne treatment may be needed. Visit AcneCuresRevealed.net for more information.
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