Climb tall buildings like he can
Wash your windows yes he can
Height is of no hindrance
Look out, here comes the Spiderman

The things he's seen through window panes
That's why he loves his job so much
Getting paid he wants not
Voyeurism's all he needs
Look out, here comes the Spiderman
so looking forward for the spiderman 3 !!
scary sial.
oh well..someone has to do the job somehow, right?
salute that fella.
by the way..how's he is going to pang sai and pang jieo?
Nice song. You should record yourself singing it and put on Youtube.
*dodge flying pots n pans from neighbours*
YOU LO!..ask me to sing along...kekeke
i think a window cleaner's job is high risk le...definitely not a job for me...cos im sure my legs and arms would be shaking too much for me to do much work..wahaha
wuching! stop peeking into ppl's windows and pretending to be the window washer!!!
robin: yes, same here!
cynthia: pangsai just have to wait!
neo: later ppl throw apples & bananas at me!
pink cotton: aiya, sing quietly mah!
me: shhh...not so loud please!
SA: i like to try absailing, never done it b4.
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