Later on that night when I got home I saw on TV that there were some altercations here and there all over town but nothing like the scales of what it was the last time around..I guess most people just couldn't be stuff protesting anymore! As for me, I found more excitement at the festivals across town. I'll post them later..
waahh wuching...
wad u expect.. some bomb explode somewhere isit??
Huh you want something to happen? Don't think you can run. wuahaha
Wuching Darling!!
What do you expect!!! Everyone's busy with George Bush in Vietnam that they don't give two cents shit to what's going on Down Under :P
buzz buzz
bro, y dun u just hurl a stone to the police to ignite the whole thing?
Hey seng kor,
If you hurl a pebble or stone at the police, you'll be arrested right there and then. Duh~
Unker Wu,
Money is the evil of all roots. That's because with summits like G-19, G-20, G-21, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.
And that Falun Gang is taking an opportunity to get free time on-air again. Tsk tsk tsk... So lame liddat can die!
Anyway, there was once I joined my university mates for a peaceful rally in protest against the hiking school fees. It was fun and scary at the same time. Fun because the experience is new. Scary because there are police officers everywhere. ;)
robin: i wanna see blood & gore!
che-cheh: u so bad! i can still run fast thank you very much!
fly: hmm..bad timing!
sengkor: hahahaha..u want me taken away don't u?
titoki: wuah u so lihai! dangerous titoki!
SA: they must've..coz it's just around the corner from where they were protesting!
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