I had the fright of my life yesterday in my backyard. A bird suddenly scurried away from me where I was working and flew off leaving me all shooked up thinking it was a snake or something else!
This is the rose bush I was working on and the red arrow points to where the bird is. You can just make out its tail and yellow beady eye ever so keenly watching my every move everytime I'm outside.
Here's a closer look at the bird, its partially covered by the leaves but you should be able to see part of its body, tail and that beady eye! If I go any closer it will try to make a dash for it again. So why does it keeps coming back to this rose bush?
Because its incubating its eggs! She's made a nest in amongst the bushes and laid 3 eggs and now its just sitting on them till they hatch. I'll try to stay away from the nest and let her be. Can't wait to see the chicks hatching!
The eggs are so pwetty.....Aww...are we going to get live updates every day until they leave the nest?
Thank God you're going to let them hatch and we can't wait to see it... At first I was soo afraid you're gonna cook and eat it :P
eat the eggs!
u can do scrumble eggs, boil egg, omelet...
I'm just kidding. Im not that cruel, k? :)
Wow. Nice. I've only seen a Pigeon with eggs. It's still there on the shutter of the shop. :-)
I'll wait for the photos!
Apply a CCTV there and watch it 24/7, so you can as well record down how the chicks hatch right?! Go go go.... Wait for this clip...
Eeekk the eggs are so cute. Green one wor. I've never seen before.
i tell u wad u should do... replace the eggs with chicken eggs !!! and place a hidden cam and see what the birds reaction would be !!!
Time for you to play National Geographic.
5xmom: absolutely! will keep u updated!
QV: was thinking about it but then 3 is not enuff for me!
cynthia: nothing cruel with eating eggs, everybody does it even some vegetarians!
ashish c: i hope to show u pic of the chicks soon!
wong: chey! u think i so rich ah?
che-cheh: green like aliens!
robin: hey! i'm the only evil one here, step off!
SA: yes i do worry about that coz there's a cat that roams the neighbourhood here!
neo: hehehehe
How is the bird bird this morning?
Why was I not suprised that you actually planned to eat it :P
My my!! Green eggs, pity its not Easter or we can use it for the Easter Egg hunt!
That's the problem with you guys downunder, you get everything backwards..I wonder if you do it backwards also?
Anyway, you foochow guy from Sibu, are you loaded as most foochows? Should I interview you next for my column? Just give me a shout out.
Buzz Buzz
neo: birdy's still around hatching..
QV: i'm so evil..
fly: yes, i'm loaded, loaded with craps!
eh, i remember i posted a comment.. hmmm.. disappear edi...
I was saying, the eye somehow scares me :p
OOOH!! Craps Darling? pity!! I'm not so into those kinky stuff!! ;)
But do tell, any dirty little secrets in your life you want to tell me?
I sooo love foochows...they are so rich, loaded and full of bull!!!!
buzz buzz
Looks like someone is in love with Foochow? *yikes.
You should read "Green Eggs with Ham - by Dr. Seuss". tehehe...
Hey, that is an awesome pic. Use them for your wallpaper la.
cely: its like the movie "the eye"!
fly: foochows full of bull yes but dunno about the loaded bit lah!
hijackqueen: yes, foochows r so lovable everywhere!
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