Here in Australia the supermarket chains are monopolised by 2 very big corporations namely Woolworths and Coles Myer. You can find these 2 supermarkets just about anywhere you go.
But there are smaller upmarket supermarkets in some affluent suburbs like Leo's in Heidelberg and Kew where we went yesterday to get a particular brand of chilli jam that only can be found there. We don't normally come to Leo's mainly because of their prices but only if we have to, like when the stuffs you want can only be found there.
Leo's stocks a lot of unusual brands of products not normally found in the mainstream supermarkets for example Sarawak Black Peppercorn at $7.90 per 100 gm can! Talk about expensive!
Really from sarawak or not? And also, write a letter for them ask to repack the can lah... What the fuck with black and white? No money print ar?
Don't worry about losing stock on peppers. We Sarawakians here are lack of sugar and we have to use the specially-made sugar for cake. Sigh.
Haiyah, ask STP to courier a big-big sack for you lah. Cheaper lor.
Yalah! That is about RM24.00! How much would that be per peppercorn? 10 sen? RM1.00???
Woooo so exp! Does it taste anything like the authentic Sarawak Black Pepper ?
Got a shock when I saw the title of this posting. Hahahah...anyways, thanks for supporting my supermarket.
Somebody so perasan!!! Ha ha ha! Hey, KNB, I hear u go honeymoon in KL this weekend kah?? Have a nice time with whoever u're going with! Wuching thinks u got Bidayuh girlfriend. Looks like somebody has been feeding him with rumours...unless there's something I don't know??? Ha ha ha!
wong: sarawak is the world's producer of pepper so it must be real!
kenjj: sarawakians lack of sugar? its good leh..too much sugar oso not good wor!
5xmom: paiseh ask stp lah..but i just hope he automatic lah, if he knows what i mean!
STP: u mean KNB doesn't have bidayuh gf? then who's he going honeymoon with? his best friend kah? hahahaha!
KNB: ur name is leo? can i call u singa instead? or simba? hehe proud to see "sarawak" on aust's supermarket shelves.
bloody expensive though for "hor chio" (pepper)!
taking into account the first class air-ticket from sarawak to melbourne......not that exp lah. heehee. you didn't strike a deal to sell some at cheaper price to the store ah?
You should supply to them!
Aiya, Wuching! Don't have to say so openly lah...!!! Ha ha ha! Can honeymoon alone also what...go KL, got lots of SYTs!!
BTW, in response to ur response to 5XMOM, I automatic pretend don't know...!! Better I do by need to share profit!
dammit... from the title i thought this was a scandalous KNB-related post!
i like the classy, minimalistic pepper packaging. better than the el cheapo designs in sarawak.
The price is ok since it's fully imported from S'wak wei!
BTW, Ngiu Kee not in Australia yet ah? :)
C4STP: u wanna start selling ur hor chio here now?
me: huh? pepper travel first class wan ah? u be my agent lah & we both make money!
fh2o: u be my contact in sarawak hor!
STP: tsk tsk tsk..ur foochow root coming out now! do urself & eat all the profit!
hedo: i din even know KNB's name was leo until he commented it!
neo: ngiu kee where got here?
whoah.. black pepper corn with chicken soup....
Wuching - Since when did I have a Bidayuh gf? Must be QV feeding u with fictitious stories.
STP - Ppl go KL also u tau tau. I go for kursus lar, not honeymoon. And I am going alone. Felt the need to spend taxpayer's money so I apply for kursus in KL lor...ahahah. Besides, the Big Sale is on in KL.
Ahem..the idea of KNB having a bidayuh girlfriend came about from the Gawai story of us in the bidayuh kampung...where you saw bidayuh gals ridding on a motorbike :P
Anyway...KNB apa pulak u got a high end supermarket in Melbourne?
KNB...dont angry lah! Joking only! U go CHOGM (Cheap Holiday On Government's Money) kah? Aham...aham...! Wuching, have to be nice to him cos his birthday's coming soon, otherwise not get invited to his birthday bash!!! Ha ha ha! I hear got special birthday cake from Secret Recipe!!! lah STP he asked me to steamed kueh babi for his birthday to serve u all hahahaha
I meant dnt get ur perverted senile mind going haywire
Yeah....exactly! Secret Recipe from QV's kitchen. He loves babi so much he includes it in his cake. QV, make sure u make one big enuf to feed STP.
STP - not angry ler...i not CBC punya. kekeke. Yes...CHOGM it is. Too bad not in time for the Pussycat Dolls concert.
HAHAHAHA...STP should go to the PussyCat Dolls and do a guest appearance and sing his famous..."Dnt you wish your bf is as good as me" hahahahahahhaahhahaahhaha Oh God...nearly puked there..thinking of STP dancing like the dolls hahahahahahahahhaah
Word verification today nearly made me burst our loud in laughter...its WTFKNB hahahahaha...
robin: ur cooking that!
KNB: no gf ah? whats wrong with u?!
QV: KNB secret secret invest money here in oz! dun want his relatives to know! oops!
STP: send me an airline tix to go back for KNB's birthday bash!
Aiya! No gf, never mind...but got PSD and you don't bother to go and see??? Aduh! This is serious!! If I got chance, will be in front row...shaking and rolling and waiting for them to throw their undies!!! Oops! Wrong show! That kind u get in Phuket - Pondan show!!! Ha ha ha!
BTW, I wonder which part of the pig QV uses in his Secret Recipe??? Ha ha ha!
The 3layers part :P and minced it lah...u remember the bak kueh rite STP :P
Wuching..why am I not suprised of his overseas investment.....
STP...u and ur pondan show..hahahaha
STP: whats PSD?
QV: u go ask him for share in his o/s investments lah! cousins have to give cousins mah!
HAHAHA...if he wants to share he will..if not..its up2 him...I wouldn't ask. I mean, if I could survive without having it ..why Do I have to have it?
QV: cousins sharing so ur ancestors happy mah!
Its ok......not greedy..unlike some people
Greedy? Who? WHo? hhahahaha
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