While you're at it, you might as well bring along your dirty laundry to get a good wash in the soapy water. Oh what the hell, bring your dogs as well and give them a good clean in it too! Just make sure you don't get caught but if you do, say you're from the National Fountain Maintenance Corporation and you're here to give the fountain a good clean!
Wuching has been naughty!
Mate, I read your blog regularly. I hope it wasn't you that chucked the detergent in just for the sake of a photo opportunity. That's pretty sad. Excess chemicals don't belong in Aussie water systems.
so that's how its done! Hmmmm...
Haha...stay young, mate!
5xmom: nolah! thats not my doing, i'm very kuay wan!
minny: dun worry, i'm not capable of such vandalism! & thankz for being a reader! :)
lil' joy: u wanna give it a go?
kenjj: haha..forever young!
SA: naugthy naugthy kids!
Hahaha aiyo lidat also can...your idea of fun!
why u dont put bath soap so u can dip dip inside? LOL
seem like a fun fun thing to do! i love bubbles bubbles eveyrwhere~~!
were you actually the culprit bhind THIS bubbling fountain????!!? O_O
wakakaka! sounds like fun but i don't think i wan people to see me frisking in the bubble bath. maybe if i just sit discreetly by the side of the fountain and wash my clothes.
Put bubble bath soap and u have ur own jaccuzi filled bubble bath hahahahaha....
U must be really free oh..such idle mind creates havoc :P hahaha
if there are fish in the fountain, you are a murderer, arent you? LOL
wahahaha... did you hump in and wash your bekside as well?
oh my goodness......is that the cheapest way to get the fountain clean ? chuckle!
che-cheh: do try it!
ah nel: water a bit cold leh!
pink cotton: nolah! i'm so kuay, won't do such a thing wan!
me: i would love to see u frisking in the bubble! hehehehe..
QV: i'm not the guilty person lah!
see fei: dun worry, no fish was harmed in the making of this post!
ah pek: u want me scare all the women away ah?
foodcrazee: & smelling very nice!
I didn't know we still had water in Aussieland ;-)
Wonder if they caught whomever did it?
The fountain sure smell very the nice and fresh wan :)
dabido: yeah, wonder if they caught the bugger!
pablopabla: fresh enuff to take a bath in!
OMG!! must put some disclaimer in this post la!! after people really follow your idea and do it.....
Try it with some curry powder. *wink wink* Muahahahaha.
OOOOMMMMMFFFFFGGGGGGG!!!!! Dunno should laugh or cry.
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