The Tag:
"You are in an alternate universe. You are a single person not involved in any relationship, and you have just published a New York Times bestseller. A movie studio has invited you to Hollywood to talk about a movie deal for three days, and as part of the wooing process, they offer to host a one-on-one dinner each night with the celebrity of your choice. Who would you pick? It could be a star you want to have a shot at 'hooking up' with, or it could just be someone you admire."
1) My first celebrity would definitely has to be Lilian Chan aka 5xmom. She is no doubt the Queen Kong of the celebrity bloggers. She's perfect for my movie and I wouldn't want anyone to take her role in my up-coming movie because she has the techniques and years of experience guaranteed to please anybody and I dare not think what would happen on a date with her!
2) Second to star in the movie would have to be Yvy the teh tarik addict. This one also very lihai one and would fit in perfectly with Lilian. However she's a bit shy shy about showing her face so I may have to hire a face double for the role! I just hope she doesn't cover her face when we go out on the date.
3) Last one will have to go to Helen of Troy. This woman caused the demise of an entire civilisation and men killed because of her so definitely must have her on the movie. I'm damn lucky to have the opportunity to woo her!
And the story of the movie is about...

After one month away from their loved ones they started to become quite desperate. Lilian was missing ATM, Yvy missing Ted in Sydney and Helen of Troy missed her Paris!

And the rest of the story pretty much involves lots and lots of hard core unadulterated wanton animal lusts with boy/girl action, girl/boy/girl action, girl/girl/girl action...