Me and my kaypo-ness! I put my hand up so now I have to do the be fair. Sorry Yvy for taking so long but better late than never! This is a special meme because I requested to be tagged. (I swear I wasn't reading it properly...hehe.)
This is how it goes;
If you comment on this post, I will…
1. respond with something random about you.
2. challenge you to try something.
3. pick a color that I associate with you.
4. tell you something I like about you.
5. tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. ask you something I’ve always wanted to ask you.
8. pick a song that reminds me of you.
After I respond to the above mentioned 8 points in this blog, you will have to post the same meme, and my response, on your blog.
And this is what Yvy said about me;
Wuching> Ok, ok….kita main sekarang. 
Random : I think that you’re one of those people that can easily mix and mingle in any age group - young or old, no problem but I’m sure most of the time u go for the young group lar. 
Of course lah! What you think I spend my free time visiting nursing homes and keeping the ah pek & ah mu happy kah?
Challenge: I challenge you to tattoo ‘Yvy, spank me!’ on your bottom.
Can! Next time you're in town I'll go get a texter pen and get Terese to write for me on the bottom of my foot to show you! Hahahahaha!
Color: Yellow
Why? Because I'm chinese issit?
Like: You blog wacky and that the way you should be. I absolutely love that wackiness in you! 
Yes baby...I so lafu you too, if not for Ted...dunno what I'll do! *Go confession tomorrow*
Memory: I’m pretty sure we started on a ‘dirty’ note! 
Chey! I got shower twice a day wan! Where got dirty lah!
Animal: Horse
I'd rather you said 'stallion'!
Question: When can I really spank you?
When Ted's not looking lor!
Song: Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me by U2
Huh? I can't remember this one, how does it go?