On Saturday we went to Spotlight in Box Hill to get some yarns for Terese and some other knitting needles. This place is full of women shopping for cloths, needles, craft thingies and all kind of female stuff! So while Terese was choosing her yarns, I was wondering around the place and made my way to the clearance bin where I saw...
...this little gadget. Its a bottle opener but its the annoying frog bottle opener! It was selling for $12.95! I couldn't believe my eyes but its supposed to be cheaper coz it was in the clearance bin.
It makes that annoying sound everytime you open a bottle with it! And it was daring me to press the button! The store was full of people and lets just say I saw a lot of heads looking my way! So now I'm daring you to watch the video!
hahaha so cute...and you managed to record the talking frog while everyone is looking at you! Cayalah :PPP
hahahahahaha... so cute! but too much of crazy frog would drive me nuts!
Impressive... after 3 times listening to it you'll probably be pissed off.
Good for people trying to stay off alcohol though.
"I feel like a beer. Urgh... it's the frog again. I'll pass."
Damn irritating leh.
Haha... cute one! Opener need a battery too...?!!
Did you not buy it?
che-cheh: it was so embarassing!
hedo: i've always hated that frog!
lao chen: simply buy can beers!
beer brat: correct!
neo: yes, battery operated!
Hey! That's really unique! Can be a collector's item!
Hahahaha you know what?? It sounded soooo like my neighbour's brats. If me, I'll buy it. I can't slap those brats who make noises in the middle of the night, at least I can slap this 'frog'! lol
HAHAHA...at least its not shaped like its **** tat's censored on Malaysian MTV :P
that really is one irritating bottle opener. but i like it. imagine your friend coming over to your place and using it to open a bottle and getting the shock of their life. hahahahaha.
this frog is every where. saw it at the toy fest in takashimaya on sunday.
the gadget is very innovative though...
AUS12.95??? Gosh!! That's almost 40 ringgit!!! Typical Sibu Foochow shopper...don't want to buy, press here, press there! This one even worse! Take video some more!!! Shy lah! Ha ha ha!
You should buy it! It's VERY YOU!
kekeke ;)
Just kidding! heehee
pablopabla: yes..u want it?
helen: use it to annoy ur neighbours back!
QV: wuah! even u censored it here!
me: then we'll be hearing that all night!
see fei: innovative but extremely annoying!
STP: of course mah! can't afford to buy it, just play with it only lor like u reading the dirty magazines & not buying it right anot?
fh2o: i dun think u r kidding! :(
OH! So THAT's what YOU do...hanging aroung mag stands, drooling at the pictures for free!! Too kiam siap to buy! I don't do that!! Sibu, where got dirty mags...and Alex didn't bring any back for me (Hint! Hint! U know what to get me when u come back, ya?) Ha ha ha!
Hansap Old Man hahahahahahahahahahaha..so now we know what to go get STP for his Birthday in December..
Wait A minute..I know STP..he's either going to sell it to his students or he's going to show it off to the students and gloat all about it!!!!
No Holds Barred!! Already booked a place in Hell, next to Wuching (See 5XMOM)!! I'm doomed...for gluttony, so might as well go all the way!!
HAHAHAHAHAHA..its getting a bit crowded in hell isn't it....oh well..at least we are all in good company...can continue on this laugh even in the after life :P
STP: haiya, mags hard to bring lah..how about i send u dvd! the title is called NO HOLES BARRED! hahahaha
QV: he'll bring to school for show & tell!
Wuch..most definitely he will and then brag and show to all the teachers in the staff room hahahahaha
Hahah...No Holes Barred. I think that DVD is more appropriate for QV rather than STP.
Yes yes KNB...very amusing....
QV: STP change from teaching engrish to seks!
KNB: aiya KNB, if u want oso i can copy for u too!
Malaysian New Sex Education Policy mah :P
huh? malaysia going liberal on seks? what about the imams? surely they will oppose 1000%?
They will be the one who will produce and direct the visual aids :P
blardy hell! get lost spammer!
QV: who's ur friend jenya?! tell him to get lost will ya?
Dnt know lah..I tot it was ur friend...so didn't bother to say anything..hahahaha funny though..can get through ur word verification..maybe its STP friend's
they dont call it annoying for nothing...LOL
QV: hmm..blogspot has to come out with something stronger!
king's wife: it was funny the first few times i tried it but after a while...grrh!
Oh...that's a broad hint, isn't it? U wish u could BAN somebody, ya? Irritating...like Crazy Frog! Maybe should change his pseudonym!!! I refuse to be drawn into his childish banter!!! Touching on sensitive issues even! Wars have been fought, riots all around...from comment like that!
STP, i will never ban any genuine commentors just spammers! why u CBC today? go play with my star wars toys & loosen up a bit! very tight today u!
U let me play with ur star wars toys...??? Which one??? The big, big gun kah?? Ha ha ha!
Too much of a trouble for you wuching :)
STP: if u like big gun, then play with the big gun!
pablopabla: no trouble at all!
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