This is his restaurant where Terese and I frequent regularly in Richmond. They serve delicious Vietnamese foods and friendly services. I'm not sure if he owns the shop but his daughter is the manager there and he takes orders from customers.
Mr. Van Van reminds me of my own dad who works in a similar job to his in Sibu back home. In Sibu people like to sit in kopitiam and bullshit all day. My dad used to do that too but at least now he gets to do what he enjoys! How many people enjoy their work nowadays, I know I don't that's why I like weekends so much! Have a good weekend people!
Vietnamese beef noodles best lah! And their coffee too! Hey! U miss ur papa kah? Seems u miss Sibu a lot too!!! Why not come back??? Yesterday's Borneo Post front page "Aussie dads pinch from kids' piggy banks"!! So pathetic kah! Lucky u no kids...or u'd be doing that too!!!
You get to snap his picture but you don't know his name ? :PP
Hmmm like Suituapui said, I guess you miss your family and Sibu.
Come back & visit your Dad & Sibu soon, mate!
Will belanja you kau-kau...prawn noodle, kampua, kompia, etc...etc...
Btw, yesterday I found a new kopitiam selling very delicious Tom-yam "hung-ang"(thick bee-hoon). Only RM3.50 for a big bowl. I will belanja as many bowls as you can eat. :p
Opps! I forgot to wish you a Happy Weekend!
Take care!
Food food glorious food! No prob mate, I'll treat u to a nice big bowl of kolo mee when u come to kuching. But I'll expect a dim sum treat when i visit melbourne..kahah.
You see lah! This KNB! Accountant + Foochow some more! So calculative!!! Must untung one!
HAHAHAHAHAHA..I C Wuching is in the loosing end!!! Kolo mee in Kuching is cheaper than dim sum in Melbourne hahahahahahahaha...Untung memang Kau kau!!
I say Wuch, missing Sibu and your dad issit? After talking so much to all of us from Sibu you suddenly realised that perhaps its time for you to come back for a holiday. hahaha
Hey..if you do, tell in advance and we can turn it into a road trip from Kuching all the way to Miri :P We can call it the Migratory Foochows Reunion Trip and sponsored by the Kampung Nangka Makan Club hahahahahahaha
SA: try the vietnamese pancake, u may like it!
STP: there r worse what some aussies do to children here! use them as punching bags, for sexual gratifications, murders..*haih! so sad, what for have children..
che-cheh: he's very good sport wan but ur right, i should ask his name next time i see him..
amelia: hung ang i don't like very much lah but looks like i manage to score myself some rainchecks! hehehe
KNB: sure, no prob! we call that 'yum cha' here..why? no idea! but let me know when u come over..with laksa? no nice tranny here wor!
QV: road trip! mesa like! u know i've never been to miri! tsk tsk tsk, what kind of sarawakian am i? we'll go in KNB's 4WD, u provide accomodation & STP provides foods! what more can i ask for...oh yes, who provide the GRO?
have a good weekend too.....whilst i sniff and shiver away & recuperate
Ha ha ha! Who, wuching? Say it out! I know what u're hinting!!! There's only Amelia that u haven't named in ur list!!! Ha ha ha ha ha! And ur word verification is "bedmrs" Good advice 4 ur wkend, ya?
HAHAHAHAHA..same train of thought as STP in who provide the GRO or we can always ask the Most Handsomest Man in Sibu, but the gals he go for are a bit like fridge's or tree trunks in size...hahahahahahha...he still lives in the renaissance period where rounder females are better haahhaahahahha
Dnt worry, GRO we can sure find one..we can recruit them from C4STP..real gals lah..not the tranny's she push in Phuket..I'm sure she got contact bah....hoo..C4STP your side income as mamasan hahahahahaha give discount ah...we all foochow's here..chin lang chin lang..
eh,want GROs? No problem one! Have a mamasan branch in Kuching as well. For Wuching, i give "buy 1, free 1" offer.
Wah!!! Good Rates ah C4STP hahahahaha..be careful...who you offer ah..or else Laksa and even Cream Cracker Face might go and look you up for gals hahahaha
Omigawd! Now WHO on earth is this cream cracker face??? This QV is really terrible!!!
STP..like as if you don't know who is cream cracker face :P
Personal Assistant to a certain YB lah if that not clear..then Mr. Turtle Neck hahaha
STP doesn't know who cream cracker face is? Impossible!!!
Give u another hint - we used to nickname him Simon Le Bon also. Hahaha. The most stylo-mylo guy in Kpg Nangka. (Back then lah).
Simon Le Bon? That's a new one to me..hahahahahhahahaa...can't recall that one...can only recall Cream Cracker Face hahaha
QV: Yup, Simon Le Bon. U check with your 2nd sis la. That was his nickname after he just came back from overseas and started dressing like a popstar. Hahahah
HEHhehehe..I tot canto popstar
yeah, i love vietnamese food and the vietnamese coffee is quite nice too.
i used to go to this vietnamese restaurant at the corner of Bourke St and Lonsdale st, can't remember the name now but it's just opposite Hoyts Cinema. One of the most popular Asian hangouts in the CBD then...ever been there?
i'm not so familiar with Richmond...Springvale was my suburb of choice for Asian foodstuff...
me: tenkiu! hope u get well soon!
STP: aiyo! SITUAPUI! i'm not hinting her lah but C4STP lor! tsk tsk tsk..
QV: who's cream cracker face? another of ur relatives issit?
C4STP: wuah! u so generous..tenkiu! i want sui sui wan wor! not the bottom of the bin wan ok?
laksa: i don't frequent the city coz parking is bad, springvale is too far to go everyday but richmond is just right for me! come down with KNB lah! we go have Pho Bo!!!
Rain-check on hung ang.
No problem, mate.
What about Tom-yam by itself??? With kiaw-tiao??? With noodles??? With Bee-hoon???
Are you gonna take a raincheck on satay??? Ju hu eng chai??? Tiem mian gu??? Panggang??? Nasi Lemak??? Roti Canai??? Nasi Bryani??? Tiong Hua Road Kompia??? Ah Hor Beef Noodles???
Maybe if you come back during fruit season...got durians, dabai (black olives), rambutans, mangosteens, langsat...raincheck also???
You will makan puas-puas lah! :) LOL
Amelia...Aiyo..now I hungry again!! hahahaha
Wuch.... Cream Cracker Face..of course another relatives lah hahahahaha
I'm 'working' this weekend on the waters! Darn! keke ;)
The 'characters' in Sibu are much more colourful!
Uncle..hehehe..yes..we are all very colourful..must be due to the yellow Rejang River, the Red River (Sg. Merah) and who can forget the Green Drain :P
amelia: rain checks on all of the above!
QV: u memang related to everyone..related to pm anot? when he's going to give u datuk title?
fh2o: ur 1 of the few ppl who enjoys their works..ever thot of doing something different for a change just for a try out?
I like my weekend, too. And I enjoy Vietnamese food,too. Is Van Van food any difference to the other Vietnamese eating place in Richmond or Springvale?
WAH! Amelia offer to BELANJA you all the LOCAL food & fruits & you take a RAINCHECK on ALL of them.
Dont' tell me, you want come back to MALAYSIA & prefer to EAT McD's, KFC, A & W, Burger King, Pizza Hut, etc.??? LOL
ENJOY your weekend. :)
Vietnamese got delicious food meh?
I thought after so many years of fighting they have refined the art of preparing combat ration only, no?
Mr Van Van looks kinda sweet. lol
What a lovely nickname! He looks very friendly... :)
silent reader: i go to van van more so as a habit than anything else..i'm sure there r lots of restaurants in springvale & richmond that r just as good! :)
weila: yalah! raincheck now coz i'm not there yet but as soon as i land there i'll be claiming all those rainchecks!
cocka: of course got! give it a try & u'll be surprised!
helen: but not as sweet as me right? hor!
neo: he is very friendly..that's why i go there
Wuching!!!! One of these days you must tell us the story chapter by chapter. I had been very puzzled with all those comments left by STP about tiger prawns and etc. Now, I learn your dad has a coffeeshop. So, what's the whole story? The vendetta between W and S and Q and V.
5xmom: no story to tell lah! just play play only! but play very hard & 'jiak lak' to see who crack first or who CBC first! i know its a stupid game we play; STP, QV, KNB, C4STP & myself...sometimes laksa & amelia oso play but i think they're more spectators lah! but then hor! its not real fight lah, we're just 'don't know old' type of ppl! u wanna play too?
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