As Master Jedi Che-cheh escaped from Darth Vader as was told here, R2-D2 found out that it wasn't alone in the Garden Valley of Petunia. It managed to find Princess Leia Yvy Organa who was also hiding in the Garden after stealing Darth Vader's kinky photos from Phuket...

Meanwhile Master Jedi Che-cheh was tracked down by Imperial Star Destroyers and is being pursued across the galaxy! It looks like a hopeless situation and Lord Vader is very happy with the progress that he started an Imperial Orchestra and conducted the Imperial Symphony No.5 himself! You can watch the orchestra below...
Has Lord Vader finally has Master Jedi Che-cheh in his grasp? Find out in Episode 3.8 when its written! So any taker? If not Master Jedi Che-cheh may have to take over again but a new writer would be good!
Oh lala Princess Leia Yvy Organa, YOU'RE HOT HOT HOT!!!
Imperial Symphony No. 5 rawks!!!
*kowtow kowtow*
Eh....where did u get the video of me as a child???
Even more shocking is that u managed to get STP's latest photo. Which photo studio is that STP? In Sibu kah?...hahah.
Ha ha ha ha! I kowtow 2 u too! That was hiliarious! Very imaginative! More...more...more!!!
you funny lah, darth wuc...i mean sidious...
che-cheh: u want to cast as amidala?
KNB: ur mom sent it to me!
STP: i would write more but i'd like others to write also..
laksa: tenkiu! u want to be a sith oso?
SA: there can be no room for error!
OMFG!!! WOOHOOOT!!!! happening lar u, mr wuching sir!! *spins wuching around* i got a shock when i saw my face there but i nearly fell off my chair when i saw ted there as well!! LOL :P wa caya sama lu beb!!
I got a shock too! Very flattering :-)
Yesterday AMELIA was supposed to be cast as AMIDALA. Today is CHE-CHEH. Tomorrow will be WEILA. LOL
Why don't you cast all THREE of us in another CREATIVE post? ;)
Btw, this is an ENTERTAINING post! :) oredi got wuching's angels waiting in line :- che-cheh, amelia n weila. wat are u waiting for? blow us away!! ;P
either that u maybe u wanna come up with the 3 mosquitos! lol ;)
Yvy: NYAMUK??? ;)
Wuching: I think Yvy wants a horror post. Cast us as VAMPIRES. LOL
Wats your email addy, Wuching? i got summore Starwars material for you.
Ted proposed and married Yvy... and the lived happily ever after... :)
yvy: here's ur chance to b princess leia! & ur own skywalker boy! great idea on wuching's angels!
ted: ur welcome!
weila: yes, u will b in 1 of my blockbusters soon enuff! vampires movies oso can!
cocka: my email is & thankz in advance! :)
neo: u like happy ending i can see..u wanna be in my romance flick?
lolz........u made my day dude
Hey I'm Che-Cheh Skywalker. Cannot be Princess Amidala. :PPP
I hang my boots more Star Wars Episode from me until next time. :)
why starwars got KKK one (1st pic)?
Hey...I so nice, went kennysia and click as instructed to nominate you lah! So when u chia me King Prawn noodles?
foodcrazee: glad i can make a difference!
che-cheh: oh well, that's the end of the saga..
sengkor: where got?
STP: u r so nice! now do it it with other ppl's computers, all the computers in SHS & anyone u know! King Prawn Noodle on its way!
Grrr Geeerere GRRR, uuuhgghrrrrrr...
ah pek : why u make sound like kenot pangsai arr? lol :p
wuching : hehehe....yup, looking forward to wuching's angels.but weila want vamps. next round lar hor?
weila : hehe...yalar, nyamuk ok wad.... :P
I want happy ending... how can I take part? :X
ah pek: easy chewie, easy..
yvy: its showing in a blog near u!
neo: don't worry, i'll find a part for u..
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