It comes with a handy handle at the back so you can pour the syrup out carefully without making a mess of yourself! I love drinking Ribena eversince I was little and I still drink it today. Its choke full of vitamin C and more importantly tastes excellent! Tell me about your favourite drink you still drink from childhood.
Happy Chinese New Year to all the chinese bloggers around the world! I won't be on hiatus during the festive days so do drop by to say hello coz its going to be very quiet since most bloggers will be on new year break.
oh I just saw this massive Ribena at the hypermarket yesterday (in KL)
Happy Chinese New Year!
Happy Chinese New Year!
Going down to Little Bourke for a psedo-reunion-dinner?
I only hope that Melbourne doesn't go crazily hot again this weekend. :/
Cute! I got the Ribena berry soft toys. Since you like Ribena so much, can I email you the cutie PHOTO (only) to keep you company for CNY? Where you email huh?
Ok, I will eat an extra portion of whatever I am going to eat on CNY on your behalf, ok? Get the spirit up, visit Chinatown?
that ribena looks FABULOUS !!!! Im gonna get myself one once i return to Perth.... ribena is my favourite too.. I make my own ribena 7-up.. gosh..
my favourite drink growing up??
Gotta be Kuching local special drink.. Barley Lemon Peng !!!
But the popularity is decreasing over the years... giving way to newer drinks like the 3-layer teh c peng.
Nowadays i order barley lemon peng at any coffee shops, those waitor/waitress would give me a one kind look... hahahahaaaa
but i still love it !!!
And to think I liked Dr-Pepper growing up. I feel all commercial.
happy CNY! wuching..you're not alone... :(
Kelly: did you see the Dr.pepper commercial? so funny..
xaverri: good to know they're selling in in that size everywhere...HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! :)
princess poo poo: i'll probably go to lt. bourke street tomorrow, its going to be 31 today & 33 tomorrow i think..not too bad i supposed. HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! :)
5xmom: thanks lilian, my email address is wuchingofthewhills@iprimus.com.au & thanz for eating on my behalf, i think i will go down to chinatown tomorrow to take some pics to show u! HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! :)
robin: gosh, u mix ribena with 7up? i like to try that, wouldn't that be too sweet? i've never had barley lemon peng, my favourite kopitiam drink is teh-o-peng kau! HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! :)
kelly: nothing wrong with liking a commercial drink, they got us hooked so they can milk us our money for the rest of our lives! personally i don't like dr. pepper maybe becoz its never been popular outside the us HAPPY (CHINESE) NEW YEAR! :)
chin kian: thank u man! HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to u too! :)
compact ler... unlike the Evian mineral water i saw at Ngiu Kee that day... something like that shape but it's in a flat glass bottle. Whopping RM25!!!! Neways, Happy Chinese New Year! Grandma with uncle and his family in Melbourne now... enjoying the 'beautiful hot weather'. Wakakaka!!
Wahaha, that's a big bottle of Ribena. Not sure if they have it here in Malaysia... have not drink that for some good years!
alex: RM25 for water! too much wor & why ur grandma wanna go so far for hot weather? sigh..HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to u too! :)
jacky: i would say they would have it by now but maybe Ribena's not ur drink so what is ur drink?
yeah, you mix a small portion (to your liking lah) of ribena to the 7-up. It is quite famous for one era in Kuching, few years back. Well, today, almost everyone has forgotten about it. hahahaaa...
robin, i might give that a try if i get a chance in the future..:)
After my badminton sessions, or during, I always take 100Plus.
jacky: i love 100plus too! i always drink that in malaysia but its too expensive here..:(
Do you believe that my mom used to make ribena for me to drink? My memory of it is that my mom just went to the garden, pluck some berries and then went into the kitchen and then came out with ribena, and then into the fridge..and hours later, a cold ribena ready to be drink...
soohk: did it taste like the one from the bottle? i'm sure it can be made from blackcurrants but maybe it tasted different?
My fav drinks are Ribena!!! and Milo!!!
Don't know why I never get bored of their taste. I like it cold.
che-cheh: u mean ribena & milo together? :|
Nope! :p
che-cheh: of course not! silly me! :P
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