Another friend and I ordered Hokkien noodle. This is one of my favourite dishes but they've ruined it! It wasn't very tasty at all and I'm giving 2 thumbs down!
Overall we didn't enjoy our meals at this restaurant, the broken air-conditioners had a lot to do with it. I don't think I'll be coming back here any day soon!
food doesn't look tasty la. Its funny actually. All the malaysians restaurant look reallyyyy classy in US.
Unlike you, I'm tasting authentic Malaysian food at the moment! Hahahaha... :D
chin kian: tell me about it; they look horrible!
mei: ur evil!
The Hor Fun really look scary. Hahahaha
u poor thing :( but i have to say, nothing beats kampua in sibu...hehe!
I like Hookien noodle served in Wah Kee Restaurant, Clayton....give it a try.
che-cheh: i'm scared out of my wits!
jeremy: yes! gimme kampua any day! mmm...
anonymous: thankz mate, i will!
But I don't know why kampua stalls usually do not survive a week of operation outside of Sibu/Sarawak :)
jacky: perhaps its due to the fact that the taste for kampua is an acquired taste, only sibu ppl can appreciate it maybe because of the msg of just sentimental reason i don't know, for ppl not from sibu & never tasted kampua b4, i can understand why they won't like it; its just noodle laced with pigs lard, msg & soya/chilli sauce & shallots, that's it! how could something like that be exciting?! anyway, i've talked too much!
Ni tungli Sibu, ngui chiang ni siak kampua (Foochow)
amelia: eh lay! ni ya eh lay chiang ngui siak kompia, tian miang ngu & liu lien! kan sia kan sia! :)
i am from kuching, but i still love kampua !!! and i agree with che-cheh, the hor-fun looks weird...
Eh lay! Ngui eh chi ni siak pa pa
robin: u like kampua coz its similar to kolo mee & coz ur sarawakian..have u known any non-sarawakians to like kampua or kolo mee?
amelia: kan sia ni! :)
You know what I had rojak at that restaurant before ... and they put apple slices in it! Not only that I found a little sticker (saying what type of apple it was) on the outside layer of the apple ... luckily did not ingest it. Anyway, like you found out, the restaurant is nothing special!
loong: apple in rojaks is just not rojak! sticker summore! tiu! lucky u didn't get sick or else you'd have to sue them!
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