He wrote about how interesting the people were, how beautiful the island is and how crystal clear the sea water was on the beach. He also wrote about the wonderful sceneries and how cheap the shopping was on the streets of Phuket.
They went snorkeling, visiting all the exotic places on the island and met interesting people. Ah...how nice it is to have your holidays there. I can hear the gentle waves rushing onto the beach and a soothing soft music playing in the background...*Ekk!* (music stops abruptly)
Hello! We've all been conned! What a load of bull! You want sea and sand? Got those at Damai in Kuching! Cheap shopping? Flying all the way there and back doesn't make anything cheap anymore! Now what is the real reason they were in Phuket? SEX! Yes, pure lust! And I have the proofs. I learnt this from my brader Wingz..
Scroll down...
Keep going...
Almost there...

KPGNangkaBoy on the other hand having scored with the 2 pondans the night before has made a reputation for himself amongst all the pondans on the island to be the best lover. So tonight he very act cool one. Must maintain that playboy cum stud reputation. He didn't go check out the pondans anymore, he waited for them to come to him! Still he acted cool!

And on the 3rd day we saw KPGNangkaBoy groping another tranny and gee wiz! Cooking 4 Suituapui was there also! When did she get into town?
Erm... My question now is... "How much it cost ar?" LMAO!!!
pure innocent kuai robin closes his eyes and hit the comment button.. ahahhaahaaa
cool pictures... some of those pondans are quite hot !! gosh...
what has the world turned out today..
Wow. I open my eyes wide wide! How come all censored? I want to original version!
GOOD GRIEF!! Waaaa!! Man Oh Man, pun intended!! They aren't bad looking at all either.. Sei loh!!
Geez....reminds me of a seminar I attended there not too long ago.
A colleague of mine got a transvestite to party for the night.
As we party on til about 3-4am, stubbles were visibly growing on this ah kua...and my colleague still found him attractive.
**runs off to puke again**
Gosh! Laksa & KNB, if u're thinking of taking legal action, I can recommend a lawyer - the most handsomest!! Haiya, Wuching! Why else would hot-blooded males go to Thailand?? For the sexcitement lah!
I just saw one recently working at Pizza Hut Mid Valley...hehe
wong: i don't know how much, u better ask laksa & KNB.
robin: u find them hot, u want one?
neo: aiya, cannot lah..this is sx18 blog mah.
lb: its ok to find them good looking, that's what they intended to do.
simple american: just closes his eyes & dive in!
jomel: men get blinded easily, have to slap them silly to wake them up!
cocka: haiya u! don't pretend pretend lah..i know u go for them everytime u go to thailand wan!
STP: yes lah, young men! any hole will do hor!
che-cheh: is the one u saw as hot as these ones?
I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. On one hand I am being depicted as a sex bomb...best lover. On the other hand, I was said to be getting it on with trannys?
STP: Legal action? Sure win punya. Never in my life have I been as slim as the person in the photo whom Wuching claims to be me.
Wuching ar....next time u need to get a bigger sized person to act as me lar. Want to tipu also tipu properly lar.
I'll be sure to gather all those Ahkua's in Kuching to welcome u at the airport the next time you come back to Sarawak!!! Hahahah
HAAAAHAAHAHAHAHAAAAAA............. you don't know meh, I'm the trannies' pimp. 60% of their income is mine.
eh, that anonymous was me. Forgot to key in my id.
oh ya, STP/QV/KNB can either one of you please enlighten me? I still haven't figured out who that most handsomest man/lawyer in Sibu is.
KNB: u were overworked in phuket so u lost a lot of weigh mah!
C4STP: aiyo! ur the mama-san! soli lah, din know..did u gif discount to laksa & KNB? or free wan?
Wuch..no wonder you were so busy that you can't talk cock with me...hahaha..preparing the heretical Gospel of Wuching to contradict the Gospel of Laksa on the Journey to Phuket hahaha
cooking4STP, most handsomest man in sibu is the lawyer who used to be my classmate.. Named Starts with an L and Iban Name starts with J. HAHAHA..U mamasan ah? hahahahaha
Wuch... Wonderful wonderful.. this is like the Versions of the Gospel running around the world today..Laksa wrote one, now Wuching writes another to contradict the Gospel written by Laksa..hahaha..heresy...hahahahaha I am sure someone is very CBC now..hahahahha
KNB..hahahaha...oh My God..so now the truth is known hahahahaha....
Wuching is like Dan Brown..distort the "truth" of Laksa to make us all have good laugh.. keep it up..but I think you lost one of your favourite reader by this posting..sure he gonna kill u the next time he see's you hahaha
Laksa..dnt be CBC ah..all for fun fun only...hahaha
Eh Wuching....how come there is a link to my name? Since when did KNB.NET exist?
C4STP is known in Phuket as C4CAK....Cooking 4 Chau Ah Kuas. Most popular Mamasan in Phuket. U all donno mer?
QV: The most handsomest lawyer name is Lan Jiau?
The problem with "tau nyai" people, the more u respond to their teasing, they get worse...and they won't know when 2 stop until u break down (and in the case of little kids, they cry!). Like KNB, just laugh it off; eventually, nobody wants to tease him. No fun! So laksa! Take me advice! Laugh & enjoy it too!
KNB..hahahaha....just realised that there is a KNB.net hahaha.. Cooking4Chau Ah Kuas...errr...hmmm....is she the pimp for the Kuching Chau Ah Kua association hehehehehe..u know..W.H.S. of India Street and P.Y. of Main Bazaar :P hahahahaha
Lan Jiau..well..I'm sure someone would love to call him by that name..hahahahhaha
hahahahahahah... omg... laksa and knb have been punk'd! but i like...
anyway, i wouldn't put it past them both to enjoy the erm naughtier side of phuket, coz we all know they are a pair of verrrrry naughty boys.
very funny posting indeed, bro. i like how wingz talked about it on his blog.
i've seen those pics before - i think someone forwarded them to me once.
STP: very useful words of wisdom there :) btw, keep me posted on the AI results - i know your source of info is very prompt.
wuching, cannot give discount one. Business is business. Besides, I know laksa is very rich, so i charged more. Hahaha. (Spoken like a true foochow, don'tcha think?)
Wuch..thank god Laksa not CBC with what u posted..
Laksa..hahaha..all in good fun ya..
cooking4STP your foochow blood showing..hahahaha...
QV, u mean to say that "J" fella claimed himself to be the most handsomest guy in Sibu? ROTFLMAO!!
oh yes, i pimp for side income. My employer doesn't pay me enuff.
Oh, laksa..posted the result of AI in your blog already..its taylor
kakakahhh.....STP likes to think he looks like Taylor Hicks. Maybe 20 years back when he was slimmer and sticks to just 1 curry puff for lunch, instead of snacking on 50 pieces nowadays. Hehehe.
Cooking4STP..yup hahahahhahaha that's LJ for you...hahaha...thank God he didn't stand for election...or else he'll have to compete with Chong C.J. for the title of the most handsomest opposition candidate hahahaha
Wah....pimp for side income..but pimp in phuket ah....eh..u should go aunty lilian or 5xmom and read my comment there that I posted specially dedicated for a certain someone that I can't stand....hahahahhahahahaha..u know...the one that just dnt know how to go home and stay on and on..hahaha
QV: i knew laksa will be cool & sporty about this post that's why i posted it, laksa is cool lah..no cbc one like u say!
KNB: that's ur weblog at knb.net! but i think u forgot to renew ur domain hosting so now cannot work liao!
STP: u r wise as well as old hor, like yoda! 900 years old ledi!
hedo: these 2 memang nakal, i think if there's no girls or pondans left they'll even go at each other! hahahahaha!
laksa: glad u like it brader, i always knew ur a good person & don't let other ppl tell u otherwise!
C4STP: did laksa ask for money back the 1st night since he passed out & nothing happened?
Wuch...hehehehe..ok sir..as you say ;)
The two of them go for each other ah..hmm...u should do a post on that also hahahaha
wuching: no leh. I didn't even know laksa passed out till you blogged about it. Too embarassed to tell me, maybe. Besides, I don't have a refund policy. Heheheh
err..Cooking4STP...it doesn't feel funny pimping your "gals" to KNB hahahaha..or u so foochow...as long as ada duit..dnt care if relative hahaha
QV : I am shareholder also bah.
Aiyo..I tot shareholder can't touch the stock....or were u sampling it before you sell to your customers...hahahaha..bringing it for a test run haha
QV, if u noticed,i never said i charged KNB. He's shareholder mah. If you look at the sequence of the pics, Laksa was at first hesitant if he should go ahead and enjoy the services of these trannies. In order to make a sale, KNB had to convince Laksa that look, nothing wrong with making out with trannies. So he pretended to be having it on with them la. Thus convinced, Laksa went off to have his fun with his trannies(but unfortunately passed out). So as not to appear a weakling (and not to be outdoned by KNB) he tried again the next night. That last pic there is KNB and I celebrating with the tranny over the very generous tip that Laksa gave after being "very satisfied".
HAHAHAH..okie...wow...u starting to get as long winded as me..hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha
she-males gives the bestest blowjob in the whole wide world because they know where the right nerves are!!
C4STP like the version of your story...very good..very imaginative...and protecting KNB hahahahahah....keep it up
i learn from u mah, sifu of long-windedness *bow, bow*
ah pek: u r experienced!
Wah! their breast is even nicer than mine own!!! *jealous*
Ha ha ha! I better stay away! That QV's loso-ness is contagious! Now C4STP also like that! Gosh! Reading their comments like studying for exams! Ha ha ha! Yes, Laksa! As KNB said, I (my lookalike) won American Idol. Was in class when sms came from Kodak Theatre (in Cheras, KL). U never gave me ur hp number so I couldn't forward news to u! Tot u my friend, leh?
HAHAHA STP..also getting quite long winded..guess teh QV virus is contagious after all..hahaha
yummlicious: those r artificial, urs is natural one!
STP: u won AI? this i gotta see..
QV: C4STP is ur apprentice hor!
LAKSA & KPGNANGKABOY obviously had a better time than KENNY SIA...LOL
Wuching...I don't know bout you, but I'm definitely straight. Don't believe me? Bend over! Muahahaha!!
Err.... no comments, mate.
KNB, I read your comments in one of the previous posts here that you like Jessica Alba. I've got a gal-pal who looks like her. Are you interested? ;)
Where is the uncensored version? Hehe...
There's only 3 words I can say..."O M G"
wuching u seen any in melb ar?
weila: kennysia too chicken shit to try those..
cocka: i'll just take ur words for it, no need to demonstrate!
amelia: no comment at all? that's not like u! ur an imposter, what have u done to the real amelia?
neo: in phuket!
kenjj: i got 4; O M F G!
alex: melb ones not as nice lah!
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