Well that was a small step towards a healthier environment that everyone can do but if you are serious about our global environment, you can join in the rally that was going on in the city marching in the streets against logging and deforestation where you can find all the greenies, tree-huggers, environmentalists, eco-warriors, green peace activists and hippies!
So go tell your governments to stop clearing your forests! There'll be none left in just a few years! Yeah right..tell that to the Sarawak government..fat chance!
Come on - admit it! You were there only for the free BBQ sausages and burgers!!
Caring for the environment my foot! keke ;)
Did you or Terese take part ar ?
Wow....foochow man planting trees. Clap clap! Normally foochow man would be cutting trees...kahaha. QV is also helping to preserve the environment. He doesn't plant trees but he would fertilise the trees on the road sides. Especially during long journeys, he would stop a few times to dispose off his liquid fertiliser...kahahkah.
Ha ha ha! Couldn't agree more. fh2o! Am sure our friend is only there for the burgers (buggers) and sausages (only the edible kind?). KNB, looks like QV's suffering from incontinence! Wonder if he knows there ARE adult diapers...except that maybe they don't have HIS size; I mean, he's SO fat, not that it cannot accommodate his u-know-what!
fh2o: nolah! i do care! honest!
che-cheh: i did register to participate but then they started serving the foods...
KNB: i'm a caring for the environment sort of foochow mah!
STP: don't be so mean! as a teacher, u should be teaching ur students to help save the environment as well..but maybe u have shares in rinbunan hijau..
I am...I am!!! Told them to eat more, shit more...help fertilise...and the plants will grow well and the environment is safe!
BTW, bless ur lucky stars u're no longer in school! ENVIRONMENT is one of the (boring) topics in the syllabus...for ENGLISH! We have to teach ALL that stuff...as if those damn kids care one bit (or probably they're bored to death too!)!! Aren't there better things to study about??
Flying in to thank you for the burpday wishes! Have a nice 060606! :)
ur next mission should u decide to take it, is to round up all ur students & march them down to rinbunan hijau & demand they stop the deforestation!
angel: ur welcome! have a great day!
i can almost smell the burgers and sausage. maybe they should plant 2 for every 1 cut. if they stop logging and using wood-related products, lots of people will be jobless. so, if you plant more, despite the long waiting time, you will be creating more work and growth. simplistic and idealistic? you tell me...
wow, the burgers and sausages look bloody marvelous.
there's no shame in admitting that you went for the freebies ;)
No pics of you planting trees also.
hey... never knew you are an environment freak type of person !!!! cooool
wow, great pics for a good cause :)
great job!
me: u never cease to amaze me! *bow down to u*
laksa: hehehe..i was eyeing those sausages all morning when they were cooking them!
neo: nolah, busy planting mah..
robin: not a freak lah, just someone who give a damn!
jairam: thankz buddy!
nice activity....the food looks nice too^^
frank: thankz buddy! :)
Wuch..STP has shares in WTK not RH hahahaha...
Not incontinance problem...just too much beer...
Talk about fat...pot calling kettle black.....
QV: WTK keh? then he should be treating all of us to free eat galore in sibu..wanna go?
sure..when u going? :P STP where? Blue Splendour or Sheraton?
QV: both! saturday nite at blue splendour & sunday nite at sheraton! ok STP?
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