We idolize our favourite celebrities, their good looks, their glamourous lives and their forever young looks. But they are after all just mortals like the rest of us, they grow old and wrinkly just like us. Ever wonder how they may look like in a few years time?
This is Angelina Jolie looking a million dollars now, she's at the pinnacle of her youth and career...
And this is Angelina in a few more years. Still looking good for her age then!
This is Gwen Stefani looking sexy in barely a top.
This is her years from now, still in the same outfit! Eww..
Janet Jackson had this picture on her album not too long ago.
U forever young too? Well, u've at least 20-30 years to go b4 u can say that! I'm already there and I can say I'm forever young...!!! In Hokkein, it's "bay chai lau!"
When I was out of school, u were still a toddler...so u should be in ur late thirties. If u had been older, u wud have known me when u were in school! I was...notorious!
As QV always said, I'm half pi-tan egg, i.e. half a century old! What's ur brother's name? Maybe I know? Am always young at heart...so got some young friends, and NO WISE CRACKS, QV!!!
STP: i'm not sure my bro would like me putting their names here but their names r similar to mine, just change the 2nd syllabus & replace with foochow translation of zero & wind *too much clue already, i'm dead!
that's coz ppl love forwarding n forwarding n forwarding nforwarding n forwarding n forwarding n forwarding n forwarding n forwarding the same emails to me time n time again. how can i EVER forget???? lol :P
i'm still getting emails abt some baby/kid who need financial aid some 3 yrs ago when she was like 2 or 3 yrs old, now sudah besar panjang but ppl still forwarding the same thing over n over again. stupidity or what, i oso dunno but i know it makes up inbox full - that's all it does. *sigh*
wahahahaa!!!!!!! i llke the janet jackson one best!!
Wuching...photoshop your pix and show us how you look like 40 yrs from now?
hehehe....this wan oso i see before wor. lol :P scary lar....
ah pek: which one? the young one or old one?
cocka: in 40 years time i'll look like a prune..no need to photoshop also can imagine! kakaka
yvy: nothing surprises u anymore..:(
hey wuching
how come there is no picture of the aged version of yourself? ahahaaa
robin: coz i'm forever young bah!
The shocking truth is...Paris Hilton is the hottest at old age. Scary!
U forever young too? Well, u've at least 20-30 years to go b4 u can say that! I'm already there and I can say I'm forever young...!!! In Hokkein, it's "bay chai lau!"
wah! now I dont feel so bad looking at the mirror in the morning! heehee.
TQ to u and Amelia for cheering unker up! ;)
che-cheh: once ur hot, u can't stop..
STP: really? how old do u think i am?
fh2o: just keep paddling & u'll be forever young also!
When I was out of school, u were still a toddler...so u should be in ur late thirties. If u had been older, u wud have known me when u were in school! I was...notorious!
STP: i doubt that! maybe ur with my brothers' peers so not too far apart.
As QV always said, I'm half pi-tan egg, i.e. half a century old! What's ur brother's name? Maybe I know? Am always young at heart...so got some young friends, and NO WISE CRACKS, QV!!!
STP: i'm not sure my bro would like me putting their names here but their names r similar to mine, just change the 2nd syllabus & replace with foochow translation of zero & wind *too much clue already, i'm dead!
that's coz ppl love forwarding n forwarding n forwarding nforwarding n forwarding n forwarding n forwarding n forwarding n forwarding the same emails to me time n time again. how can i EVER forget???? lol :P
i'm still getting emails abt some baby/kid who need financial aid some 3 yrs ago when she was like 2 or 3 yrs old, now sudah besar panjang but ppl still forwarding the same thing over n over again. stupidity or what, i oso dunno but i know it makes up inbox full - that's all it does. *sigh*
Wu Ling & Wu Fung??? hehe #runs#
yvy: aiyo..why u no save the poor kid leh!
amelia: u've just signed my dead warrant!
Nah...we're going to rule the world mah! hehe
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