Yesterday I blogged about what I did so today I'm going to blog about what Terese did yesterday! As you may know the weather in Melbourne is getting colder and colder each day as we head towards winter.
My dearest wife Terese was knitting all day yesterday making a scarf for me! She enjoys doing stuff like that and through trial and error she worked out the design of the scarf. Its her first attempt. You need to be very patient doing this, something I don't have.
Tada! What do you think? Not bad huh? Goes with the jacket we bought last week so I'm all set for winter. Bring on the cold!
*My face looked stoned in this picture so I'm not showing it!
Nice..! how sweet your wife is..!!
Wow.. looks good on u...
ask her to make one for me too !! ahahhaaa....
Did she knit you a willy warmer as well? LOL
mama bok: thank u! :)
robin: i'll ask her
cocka: tsk tsk tsk...
God already provided a very natural "willy warmer" whenever, it is cold, the willy will stand up and stick itself into it. ooooo...Nice and warm....
Hey..can she make me on also? I send you the money for the wool loh...hehehe...Face looked stoned?? hmmm...smoking weed my friend in order to forget the cold? hehehehehehe
Ah pek...when its cold where can stand summore? Want to look for it to wee-wee also susah.
QV: so hot in malaysia also want to wear keh?
cocka: u get her to re-heat for u!
ah pek: cocka doesn't know how..hehe
Ohh mushy mushy. ;)`
che-cheh: nolah, not very mushy lah..
Opis gets very cold sometimes...that's why always end up with runny lah..just wanted to see what u would reply to my request..hehehe
Runny nose, QV? What nose are u talking about? And my goodness! All the ideas that came to people's heads...just because of a scarf! He he he...I can imagine cockadoodle's looking like "chee loi" (u know those snails that you suck one end and then the other to get the inside out) in winter. An uncle (may he RIP) used to call it "monkey's penis"!
AHEM!! STP..Monkey's Penis is thek tha known in local malay as Ambal or Bamboo Clam as can be found in SixtSeal posting of it which I link here
Ambal is usually fried with curry powder..tsk tsk tsk...getting more and more senile this old cousin of mine that I have to correct him over and over again
Not talking about those tiny things lah! This "chee loi" (Foochow name) is small enough and a favourite among suckers!!! Foochows fry with ginger and soy sauce...! Delicious...but eat only at home! The dining etiquette and the sucking sounds can be quite obscene!
Yes, but its not called "monkey penis" as what you alluded to in your previous posting. You are misleading wuching's readers..tsk tsk senile already don't even know what he wrote just a few minutes ago......
I think I did comment in 6th Seal...I thought "chee loi" IS monkey's penis. Get verification from antiquated Mrs. Chang;that's where I got the name. Well, whatever the name, "chee loi" certainly has a closer resemblance...,I think!
QV: opis cold mah turn down air-con lor! why must turn on full blast?
STP: i LOVE those "chee loi"! YUMMY!
I wouldn't know, never looked at monkey's penis..I guess you are quite experienced in monkey's penises then...didn't know you were into bestiality...are you sure you were not the one that was trying to hump our cousin's dog that they got so pissed off and decided to attack our cousin?
can't its central air conditioned and I'm directly under the vent..I could move the table, but on hot days its just nice, but on unpredicatable days where it suddenly starts to gets a tad freezing
Now who is asking to be sued for defamation of character??? I was no where around at the scene when the dog went beserk!! Luckily, YOU were not around either, otherwise, u dog-lover would help the beast and bite our poor cousin!!!
I know, I never said you were around at the time of the attack, I merely said that you attempted to hump the dogs, further more I did not say go and counter sue my defamation of character suit and see who wins...hahaahahahha
QV: put a card board over the vent like what i do!
STP: who's humping who? i'm confused liao!
Just 4get wat dat delirious fella is saying! He doesn't even know there's something called a switch or a thermostat! Reminds me of joke: In japan, beside the air-con thermostat in hotel room, got sign that says...Turn left to lower temperature. If too hot, control yourself!"
STP: real life drama or not wor? japanese englrish as bad as chinese?
Senile Tua Pui, I said the aircond is a central airconditioning unit lah. My colleagues like it frigid and who am I to argue with them, so let it be as cold as possible, that's why I requested for a scarf. If want to comment, comment lah properly. Read what other people write first properly rather than jumping into your own conclussion.
QV: mai siu kee..hehe
No..not siu kee yet..just irritated....Senile Tua Pui can do that to people at time..can be very as a cousin..have to mei mei a bit or else too much sometimes.. hahahaha
Usually wouldn't scold someone that is older lah..but once they become senile like Senile Tua Pui, have to scold scold sometimes or else they forget
QV: u hear ppl say about old ppl, grumpy old men like to chin chai chin chai bark @ ppl all the time! aiya, let him lah.. hehe
nice color...must feel warm and nice wearing it...
soohk: thankz brader & yes its quite warm..
Central aircon also got thermostat lah! And I tot fat people no problemo! Got lots of insulation!!! And I tot I'm the grumpy, old man...but look who's getting angry and making a scene all the time. Must have grown old b4 his time lah!!
Come to think of it, maybe it's withdrawl pms! His best friends away having fun inPhuket...and he stuck in cold air-con office! Of course!! Poor. deprived...ADD (Attention Deficit Dsiorder)!
STP: yes lah, his best buddy in the whole wide world has gone on holiday with his cousin so must console him lah! QV, u still have STP & me to play with..hehehe
STP..if anyone suffering from ADD...that person is you.... buddy? With friends like that..don't need enemy lah...nah..more of case of KNB not around so no one to laugh with.
Yesterday was a case of being pissed off with STP and his blantant attack on the sanctity of the priesthood. can attack me or anyone..but watch your mouth when it comes to priest..your mother, my aunt didn't teach you enough ah! It was not funny, in fact, it was downright insulting, cracking jokes and poking fun at people is ok, but there are lines that we shouldn't cross and I think you crossed that line yesterday
STP...qouting from one of your lines, "respect should be earned not granted, treat people with respect and we treat you likewise" so don't complain if we tembak you and show no didn't earn it hahahahahahahaha
QV: come, lets go have a beer together..
Aduh! Luckily not his blog, or else sure I wud have got deleted or banned permanently!!! Starting to scold my mother, my aunt (only 1 left, the rest may they RIP!)!Haiya! Haven't we read reports all over the world...about "those people" involved in ALL kinds of hanky-panky with young boys and stuff??? Well, got to admit...they're humans, after all!
Oi! Senile Tua Pui or should I call you Siaw Tua Pui, anyway, both are applicable, when I commented "your mother, my aunt" I was referring to one person..Again a case of not reading properly what's being typed. ADUH!!! It seems that you are also another who suffer from the case of reading what he wants to read and I thought only KNB's Best Friend suffer from that!! Seems like you also.
Yes..they are human, but who are you, a mere sinner also, appoints you judge to label all of them as the same? Shame on you....So old already and still like little and KNB's best friend should be really in the same clublah..both have the same wavelength and mental capability hahahaha
Frankly, when the sermon is long and boring, people just switch off! When comment too long, people just hop, stepo and jump...and thus, sometimes don't read correctly! I'm no angel...but then, who is? Let he who is without sin cast the 1st stone! And that reminds me of a story... (Gosh! Now I sound like that fat guy in "Under one roof"!)
STP: lets go have beer with QV & I..come, come..
Ha ha ha! Dear wuching, I would like to nominate u to be the next secretary-general of the United Nations...then there'll be no more wars in this world!
Siaw Tua Pui...Wuching taking over Kopi Aman job as he's in Phuket hahahahaha
what? KNB is kopi aman? why? he's the peace keeper in jc blog issit?
That's the title he gave himself when JC and I was arguing hahahahahahha he brought JC and Me to a peace talk over lunch at the club hahahahaha
So now wuching is officially Kopi Aman between STP and QV!!!
ok, it seems like QV tends to have fight with ppl, first jc & now STP! alrite..i'll b the peace maker this time, we'll all go limp kopi at some kopitiam..where do u suggest? we go 'pueh ho'
Wuching, my fight with KNB's best friend, you all know mah..I called him something that he got angry because he kept on deleting my comment..hehehehe..u know the CBC..hahahaha...
STP ah? old already, he should know by now...we fight fight for fun..u know.."benci tapi rindu" which means hate u but miss u hahhahahhaa
I mean, can u imagine, we actually SMS each other after we post our comments so that we will come in and c it and reply hahahahaha
QV: aiyah, u 2! i give up! love/hate relation!
No lah, wuching! Some people damn loso one, comment so long...if use sms, sure bankrupt, so use some poor soul's blog 4 the purpose.
STP: sms in malaysia expensive anot? is very cheap here..
20 sen each time I think...and with the letter-restriction, somebody's long-winded comments will be at least 50 sms per comment, I'm sure! Ha ha...u said it, wuching! Some people just love fighting with ppl!
STP: that's expensive & letter-restriction summore! ok lah, i do charity work & let QV use my comment boxes to talk to his favourite cousin/ex-teacher lah!
Wah! U r SO generous! May God bless u!...But "favourite"??? I wonder!!! Ha ha ha!
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