So now that I've won the election what's next? Well I think its time I let everyone know about my plan to take over the blogospheres and eventually the world! The election and the kitten were just part of the greater evil schemes of mine to take over the world with the help of a few Sibu Foochow people who's been working for me eversince from the start! It is time to reveal ourselves...
I am none other than Dr. Evil Wuching! *Jeng Jeng Jeng*(shock & awe music playing). You have all been duped by my evil scheme and now I am your new master! Muahahahahahahaha!
And this is Miniwongpkme! A smaller version of me but just as evil. An extension of my evil mind and a loyal friend. Minime, you complete me!

When I get angry, Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset. And when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset... people die!
I've not only spared the live of the kitten I also got to raise it as my own but eventually it lost all its fur coz Suituapui shaved it (he hates cats). Now he's always on my lap and I call him Mr. Bigglesworth. Oh and he's just as evil too.
I would never have won the election if it wasn't for the help of Amelia my campaign manager now revealed to you as my henchwoman Ms. Frau Amelia Farbissina. She's a bit camera shy so can't show you her face yet.

But my campaign is not over yet for there is one who can spoil my plans, one who's going to bring my grand scheme down and he's none other than...
...Austin Wingz Powers! Patt Leong Kum of the blogosphere, he's loved by all female readers and bloggers. All men wanted to be like him but there's only one Austin Wingz Powers! Very shaggedelic baby!
And to help him stop my plans is Foxy Yvy Cleopatra. This hot mama is too hot to handle! I must get rid of them if I want my plans to work so the battle is still not over yet!
Chup! I'm first...:p
Congrats err Dr. Evil Wuching!
Bwahhhhahahahaha evil yet funny.
You truly deserved as the top male bloggers winner.
Wow! So creative & innovative!
Another winning post...proves that you deserves the No.1 spot.
Thanx, mate!
I enjoyed that... :)
LOL, congrats to us! I mean all those nominated. I am surprised that there are so many votes too. Must thank those who click.
WAH!!! i'm not a balak n have big pau sum more! *sighs blissfully n still sizzling too* lol =P
creative genius you!! :)
che-cheh: thank you & for that i'll spare ur life too but u must be my henchwoman also!
amelia: muahahahahahahaha....ms frau, bring me my time machine..
5xmom: yes congrats to everyone especially laksa so creating it..btw, where is he today? drunk on easter eggs?
foxy yvy cleopatra: ur foxy yvy cleopatra & ur a whole lotta woman!
Hahaha... where is the champion trophy?
Woah! Congratx! Haha..You beat KennySia..omG~~
Kahkah...U really look Foochow in that Dr Evil suit. Like one of those old timer hockchew timber tycoons wearing their bush jackets. With a bit less hair u'd actually look like someone who has a building named after him at Jln Padungan, Kuching..kahkah. (But of course u are 100X more hansem)Miniwongpkme looks like an albino toyol...kahakh. And hey...how did you get hold of STP's photo!? Damn..
lolz...great post. congrts and thx for making my otherwise dull day
jacky: what trophy, just for fun lah!
yummlicious: yeah, how ridiculous is that!
KNB: who knows..maybe one day someone might just name a building after me! STP said he looks like jay leno mah so easy to find his photo..how accurate was i?
foodcrazee: glad u had fun reading it, u had a dull day? i have a dull long weekend!
Wow wow wow! Win already huh?! 121+!!! Not bad... :P Congrats! My Boss! LOL~!
U mean thats not a photo of STP? Wow...must be his twin!!!
MUAHRAHRAHARHAAR I want to die liao!!!
This is hilarious!!!!
Yo, Sexy man, remember the deal?? I wanna interview u!!
My email add is beagle_my@yahoo.com.my
Can I have yours??? (email lar! diu~)
congrats, buddy :)
you deserve it!
No trophy ah? What's the grand prize then? :)
wong: minime, u complete me!
KNB: that's is STP! (or close to it)
helen: no problem , i email u!
laksa: thank u but where were u yesterday!
jacky: get recognised is prize enuff!
How do you say congratulation in Foochow ah?
cocka: kiong hee..i think, help me out here foochow ppl..
HAHAHAHAHA Wonderful and yes..you really look very foochow...hahahahahahahaha..so..are you wearing white socks and white shoes? hehehehehe Anyway...amazed that STP didn't comment anything..or maybe he fainted when he saw the posting...let me check with the Department of Natural Disaster and see if there was any earthquake in Sibu..(due to STP fainting) hahahahaahaha..keep up the good work..and yup..STP does look like jay leno :P
Ha ha ha ha ha! Laugh! Go ahead and laugh at my expense! All in good fun...and I not che-bin chiaw! Thank God u're not in the Police Department, wuching! You'll never be able to trace me with that pix! And QV, I so busy lah! Think everybody like u - chiak pa bo su cho!" Now, I stamp my foot, the earth trembles...!!!
BTW, sorry...wuching! I can't speak Foochow either. "Kiong Hee" depending on how u pronounce it is in Hokkein or Cantonese. Oh...just checked with colleague...it's the same! Your Foochow passes with flying colours!
QV: i memang hock chiew kui even after so long here!
STP: oh but i think u don't know i am full of surprises...i'm sherlock holmes!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...stamp your foot and all the volcanoes in Indonesia are on the verge of erupting..so stop stamping your feet STP :P and thank God you not chey bin chiau, so old already and still chey bin chiau then I really don't know what to say lah..hahahaha..unless you plan to start on your second childhood or will that be your 3rd or 4th..can't keep track
Mmm...are you up to something? U sound mighty suspicious...mighty evil!!! So what are you planning? A victory bash...with a huge cake and I jump out of it...naked? Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
QV: what's chey bin chiau?
STP: i have evil plans..
Hey, QV...that's not me stamping my feet lah! Thought it was u farting away...causing all the tremors! Don't smoke! One light and u'll cause a massive explosion! 4th childhood? Hey! I never left the 1st one lah...forever young! See, wuching put me picture in nappies!!! Ha ha ha ha!
ALAMAK!! Wuching!!! STP Jumping out of the cake naked?? OOHH BOY!!! Get ready barf bags and thanks to that statement..psychiatrist will be raking in huge monies as they will be a long line of patients due to witnessing STP jumping out of the cake naked..hahahahahahhahahaa
STP jumping out of cake hmm..isn't that like some marshmallow jumping out of the cake or a white coloured jello? hahahahahahaha puke puke
BTW, I thought Easter Sunday was the resurrection of Jesus. When on earth did we have the resurrection of Kpg Nangka Boy? Finally making some sounds! Election over...so now free to talk, ya??? Obediently following the "NO CAMPAIGN" during polling rule? QV would know that one!
Hey! QV! Laugh not the pot at the kettle black! People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!!! Same bentuk, same factory...but at least, I've got a lot more hair!!!!...Anyway, I'm off now. Very hard to post comment 2day...needs extra patience!! And THAT is not one of virtues!
Chey Bin Chiau = Green Face Bird = Sour Grape..anyone else wants to describe it? STP? KNB?
STP..am not laughing at the fact that you are fat, am laughing at the fact that you plan placed an interest to jump out of wuching's cake naked. I never deny that I am fat nor have I in anyway, misled or caused others to think otherwise. Was merely commenting on what you wrote..hehehehehe....and the grossness of you jumping out of a cake naked..shudder!!! hhahahahha
I hope your head don't get as swollen as your balls! (kena kicked by Kenny who lost to u mah!) heehee ;)
fh2o: i don't think kenny gives a hoot about this poll!
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