When it was over everybody cheered. I'm not sure if they've broken any record that day, there were 163 dancers and no one got disqualified and the whole thing was live webcast with another dance group in the Netherlands on the internet.
You can watch a short clip of the dance below;
Send over a dozen of tulips please. I have never seen a real tulip before. :(
Does the clog make a lot of noise when you wear it?
How do you like my new blog nick?? :)
You didn't join in the dance with your pair of malaysian chinaman fish market, red colored clogs meh? LOL
That one can make a lot of noise too.
5xmom: they do grow tulips @ cameron highlands but i'll make a note to send u some! :)
neo: yes they do make lots of noise & why neo? now i'm gonna have to change ur nickname on my template!
cocka: aiyo only if i brought my red colour wooden malaysian fish market clog! could've shown them how its supposed to dance with it hor?
Wuching dancing with a pair of red wooden Malaysian clog ?..wuahahhaa
waaa... i want to ride that slide also.. can i, can i?
che-cheh: would u like to dance wif me?
ylang: of course u can, we'll go together!
I've played that game sjoelen before, the Parish Priest of the Church I attend in Sibu was from the Netherlands and he had someone build the board and wooden discs for the youths to play. Dnt ask me how to play though...forgot all the rules already....
Hmmmm..clog dancing..hehehe..thank God you didn't join or else you might have maimed some people with you stepping wrongly on them...(of course, now I am imagining STP doing a clog dance.....alamak...would't that be called the dance of the baby elephant...hahahaha)
Holland? Amsterdam? The red light district!!! That's what comes to mind! And what's a tiger got to do with anything Dutch? Gosh...QV played with priests before! Eee...haven't we read ALL those reports about Catholic priests in the US and everywhere else in the world?
AHEM!! STP..where have your eyes gone? Was it bitten off by our cousin's late dogs? I wrote and I qoute "the Parish Priest of the Church I attend in Sibu was from the Netherlands and he had someone build the board and wooden discs for the youths to play." They are ways to be funny and amusing but at times cousin, you cross the line and become damn abusive and malicious. Be Prepared to be sued for slander and spread of malicious rumours!!
Speaking of Priest..Wuching..was looking at your old postings and came over one that showed your old classmates at SHS..err.. Richard Lau...is that the same Richard Lau who became a council health inspector and resigned, joined the seminary and is now known as Fr. Richard Lau? Let me check what year left SHS and if he knows you....
Ha ha ha ha ha! Touched a nerve there, did I, QV? I told u, wuching!! I always "tau nyai"...provoke, tease...till they get angry and start to cry.
Remember STP...I dont cry when I get angry, I become murderous...you have been warned...it was not a nerve you touched but the sanctity of the priesthood....burn cousin..burn in hell hahahahahahaha
Eee...wuching! Heard that eerie laugh??? The Prince of Darkness? Satan??? Ur blog is haunted, kah!!
QV: i can't remember richard lau, that pic was taken in 1982 i believe..were u born yet? hehe
STP: u must've been the biggest bully back in school no?
I was born, I am one cycle younger than youlah..so guess how old loh..hehehehe....I saw the picture and the name, and it roughly look like a younger version of Fr. Richard Lau.
I simply love the cool look of Neo in the Matrix :)
QV: go ask him lor!
neo: not another jeremy c!
wah lau eh the place u living is is like so so nice!!! every week also got festival wan!!! i so wanna live there!
wingz: come lah & be my neighbour!
No lah! In school, I was so good! Introvert! Quiet!...Only outside, became "hantu"!!! Where got bully people one? I so nice lah! QV of course will beg to differ...how he and other students "suffered" from all my snide, sarcastic remarks...!!! OK! QV, at least I'm candid, honest...but I think all my students enjoyed that & shudders...tried to be like me!
STP: introvert? i simply can't believe that but then again i was an introvert too in school until i got out, like bird getting out of cage!
Or a dog unleashed? Running wild!
STP: yes, rabid dog!
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