Its been 3 weeks since I've come over to the dark side and write posts for money. Since then I've been putting more advertisements on my blog mainly Google Adsense which by the way is painfully slow in generating any money for me and I would shamefully say that after all these time I've yet to receive any money from them! Possibly because I didn't care to utilise the ads strategically to my advantage. I've since revamped the whole template of my blog and I think they're placed in the right places now. I did see a significant difference in my adsense income after that but still the money is just trickling in. Some of you suggested I go with Nuffnang but they're only interested in bloggers residing in Malaysia so bad luck for me. Then I decided to give Advertlets a go because they didn't mention about where I reside. Still my blog's association with them is still in its infancy so its a bit early to say what might happen. I am also giving Text Link Ads a go but so far no one wants to advertise in my blog yet!
So I guess the best money spinner with my blog has to be writing paid posts. I've signed up with 3 companies namely PayPerPost, Smorty and BloggerWave. PayPerPost is by far the best paidpost site so far because they have the most opps available to us posties. Second will have to be Smorty which is relatively new to us but they will pay faster than PayPerPost which takes 30 days to get paid! Smorty pays every week so you get your money quicker and today I just got paid by them! Woohoo! This is the first time I've ever received any monetary reward from my blog and this just fuels my LOVE for money even more! Though it was just a small amount of money it means I can safely say to people that I'm not wasting my time blogging everyday now! In another week I should have a steady stream of income coming into my paypal account from PayPerPost for all those posts I've done for them so woohoo again! Lastly I don't know why but I've only received 2 opps from Bloggerwave and I don't even know when or if I'll ever get paid for them even though they have been approved. I have not received any more opps from them since!A good friend of mine who used to read my blog said to me the other day that he's not going to read my blog anymore because I have too many ads on my blog and they slow down the download. True I have to agree with him on that so I might have to get rid of some of the non-productive ads but I will still continue to write paid posts since they are my main income from my blog. I have noticed a significant drop in my readers since coming over to the dark side but hey, fame doesn't pay the bills so a little ads and paid posts mixed in with my normal daily personal posts doesn't hurt anyone. Not like I'm trying to spam you or anything like that. Its just like watching TV with the commercials put it! You're still going to see my personal posts, they're always on the top of the page so don't give me the flick just because I need to make a few bucks. Don't run away ya!
*This is definitely NOT a sponsored post!*
Heh, friends can come and go, but money only come once. Muahaharrr...
BTW, have you applied to nuffnang? 'Cos they actually go for region where your traffic comes from. YOu can stay in Msia but if your blog is 80% international, advertisers aren't keen too. Or you can stay in Timbuktu but if you have 70% Malaysians, then, they likey. I heard this from them. Check and see?
Aiyo, yr blog changed so much since I last visit. How com so many advs one leh ? Lucky here I got broadband lah, not affected lah.
( I write investment blog :), teach people how to make $ lah :):)
I am an ex kuchingian :)-. Found yr blog from reading Francis.
Jamy from Florida, US.
This is actually quite an enlightening write-up, coming from someone who sees "monetizing blogs" as being on the "dark side", yet tries to affirm readers that quality of posts will not suffer. I like the way you put things (how you carefully word this entry), and I understand every bit. Your advertisements do not affect me, so long as the site still appears in an orderly manner.
So Wuching, you have my blessings and I'll still read you!
I support you!
Paid posts bring in the best income for me too. The rest are just eye candy till they actually materialise in a check :P Keep it up and welcome to the dark side.
I probably will start doing this soon. I intend to quit working so I need to find some kaching to pay for my hosting.
This post is really quite helpful to someone like me that is on the brink of going for the money. I don't wanna lose any readers, but I have to pay for this habit if my income is decreased by going into bizness for myself. :)
That's the way to go, Brother! Keep it up.
5xmom: thank you! i will check with nuffnang again!
kayatan: thank you for your support!
narrowband: shucks! u make me blush! but thank you for your kind words.
neo: i support u too!
paris beaverbanks: thanks paris! words of encouragements from fellow bloggers mean a lot to me!
SA: yes, come join me on the dark side! together we shall rule the galaxy together as SA & Wuching!
bengbeng: thank you brother, you've always supported me from the start!
No problem lah, I will drop by whenever I have time.
Nice to see Melbourne pics cos I lived in Mel many moons back (1978), ya that long ago, might be wuching still in diapers leh.
Mel. changed so much, so many chinese people eh ? When I was there, only angmo, asian only a few vitnamese leh. When i 1st went there, so sad, so homesick, miss mama, miss pow pow, so cold leh, so I decided to pack and moved to Sydney after my high school. Sydney then got lots of Asian, esp malaysian and weather warmer. but life very funny one lah, now I am in florida. aiyo, also not bad lah , at least not cold, hot like malaysia our summer, some times lagi hotter lah.
a few good $ generating site my geek friend send me, might be u want to check it out.
I no make $ from this one lah. i only make $ from buying gold / silver, uranium, oil lah, ok.
too much of payperpost=less reader
just do what you think it's right! We can never please everybody!
Hey, I am still reading your blog! :-)
wu lui liao lah
kayatan: eh! i wanna learn from u how to make money buying & selling gold & stuff!
yothemans: so have i lost u?
clement: bo lui leh
Don't worry abt what people have to say.This world got a lot of jealous people lah, Amedikas know it too well.
After I see yr payperpost, I registered and guess what, I wanted to post but not qualified. Apa macam ini leh ? So, u must have a lot of readers to qualify. So be very proud of yr achievement !
Aiya, making $ is the easiest thing in the world (cos there are lots of difficult things in this world, like find a good husband , live a normal life with heart disease etc...), especially investing in gold and silver, no brain investment. If u know this phase of age (stagflation) belong to commodities as far as investment is concern then you know gold /silver / uranium /mollybedum are all good candidate. Research a couple of good ones, invest in it,; in a few yrs, yr $2k turn into 200k, yr 5k turn into 500k, sooner and later a million is in hand. Not like IT, medicine, engineering, pharms etc very susah , need brain. I like no brainer stuff cos I am not a very smart old lady :)-
No secret, want to know how to invest, just browse my investment blog now and then, there are a lot of good links there. Nothing is original , ie written by me. I just links to best articles that I have read or words of wisdom from my investment guru who is in his late 70's who made tons of $ in gold/silver. I only post quality stocks. To get in with good timing, check out this site, there is a great tutorial there, they teach you how to read chart, when is good to buy and sell.
When u don't see me blog a lot, that means gold is down and I am makan angin or bake cake, cook, then it is the time to buy. When I write a lot, beware cos gold is at peak.
It is so seasonal that u can actually make a killing every year. Buy and sell once a yr, very soon, u can buy a Mercs, ha ha ha ha.
That is why gold is helping me to buy lots of land in Amedika lah. Want to come hunter deer at my lands or not ? ha ha ha ha :)-
Sorry lah yr readers might hatam rotton eggs on me. But being a true blue capitalist, I talk $ all the times :)-
wuching, come we dance the money dance together-gether? i also noticed that my readers have dropped - but at least i still see u coming by la. :) hehehe!! never mind la - i PPP coz it will help pay for my flickr pro n blog hosting so ok mar! wei, anything nice nice wan, must share hor.... :P
kayatan: thankz for the tips, i will go read them when i'm free.
yvy: yalor, us money face bloggers must stick together!
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