I think I've said it before how my Google Adsense wasn't doing too good in my previous blog template so I decided to change the layouts and placements of the ads after I changed my template and somehow that made a significant difference in the ads revenue.
So imagine my surprise when I received a letter from Google last week! So money-citing I could die, have I reached the USD100 mark already and now they've sent me a cheque? Couldn't wait to open the letter.
The revenue from Google Adsense is pathetically slow so that's why many bloggers have turned to other advertising companies like Nuffnang and Text Link Ads. By the way Lilian, I did contact Nuffnang and they are willing to give me a go but I need an address to send the cheque to in Malaysia and a bank account to deposit the cheque in since it won't be a cash cheque. Should I tell them to make it payable to you so you can simpan in your account? Hehehehe...
Back to the letter, so I was so money-cited thinking maybe I'm getting paid by Google but then it turned out that it was just a letter with my PIN that I needed to enter in my account nia! Potong stim! What for they need me to do that? Just to confirm my address issit? *Sien*
Can lah, I charge you interests, commissions and foreign exchanges diff. Hahahaha.
Cheh... I thought you so fast receive check liao... but doesn't matter lar, you have written so many paid posts, surely paypal fat fat liao lor.
Aiyo... No need adsense liaw... Take so much time to get a cheque clear, PayPal one enough la...
5xmom: aiya, no need to charge me la since we lafu each other!
neo: what fat fat? a little bit nia...hehehe
wong: adsense dunwan to use paypal leh...
You rich lor!
when u receive this first letter frm google means that u are halfway to getting ur first cheque lo!!! keep up the good work..heehe
neo: ur richer!
fashionasia: woohoo!
That does seem stupid. Just send you a check or paypal it. Chez!
Wei, cheque coming your way la.
SA: yalor!
hijackqueen: looooong way to go yet!
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