Lately my house has been invaded by thousands of little critters call ants! Not as bad as fire ants but damn annoying. They appear at the most unusual places, what would ants be doing in the bathroom and the toilet for?
It's obvious there's no food in the bathroom nor the toilet but I see them busy marching happily along their ant trails. The bathroom is upstairs and yet they manage to find their way up from downstairs! It's amazing what these little critters can do.This morning when I woke up I saw that they've found their way into my kitchen. Wuah! So many of them! They were all heading straight to the bottle of honey we left on the kitchen table and crawling all over it! Spent a good half an hour killing them and cleaning up the mess.
This is it! I've declared war on them! From now on no more Mr. Nice Guy. I'm going to kill every ant I see, show no mercy, wipe them out completely! I've set up ant baits all over the place so when they come in contact with it will bring back to their queen and kill her! Muahahahahaha...
i reli hate ants....
kill kill kill!!!
I normally trace the source...and then I stop them from coming. Somehow.
Anyway...sorry to say this ah..but it's a DESSERT TAG!!!! Wakakakak bukan FOOD TAG!!!!
Different you know.
Do a filler la....pwease???
Good luck in ant hunting. :P
Good luck trying to kill the little suckers. They are really aggravating.
ps. I just linked you, I hope you don't mind. ;-)
I hate ants, hate hate hate HATE them!!! Luckily they hardly make an appearance around my house, maybe due to the essential oil I use.
Have always wonder how these ant killer works, post an update of a gruesome photo. WAhaha.
Did I mention that I hate ants?!!!
It's inevitable.. the clash between the dark and light. May The Force Be With You.
ah nel: lets kill them together!
mott: dessert tag? oklah, will do it tomorrow..i hope
che-cheh: wanna join me?
etchen: i will persevere.
cc: lets form a hate ants club!
helen: hahahaha...the force is strong with me!
that mortein thingy really works? I want it too and I wonder can find it in Kuching or not. I always see tiny ants on my table in school. I clean up my table many times but still I see them. Must be from my colleagues' tables.
choonie: dunno if it'll work but must try something.
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