A long time ago in Australia there was only one telecommunication company and that was Telecom Australia. Then came Optus and there was competition and soon there was more telephony companies joining the competition like Primus Telecom which is who I'm with at the moment and others.
So to make themselves more competitive Telecom Australia had a revamp of the whole organisation and changed their name to Telstra thinking that would be a cooler name and would appeal to customers more but needless to say that though they are still the biggest telecommunication company in the country their customer service is one to be desired. There's even a hate Telstra users club whereby disgruntled customers can vent their angers at the giant telecommunication company.
I've always been with Telstra simply because there was no reason to leave until nearly a year ago when Primus offered me a good deal to bundle my home phone with my broadband together and that's when I left Telstra. Now because we have to pay our line rentals in advance we had some unused money with Telstra. The amount was only minimal, $5.52 to be exact and do you think Telstra would reimburse us for it? No, Telstra just left the money in our account as a credit note! They were so sure that we will return to them in the future and will continue with our account with them again.
Well guess what? Telstra was right coz now I've decided to go back to Telstra only because I'm changing my internet service provider for adsl2 reason and the new provider requires my home phone line be a Telstra line instead of a Primus line. So I have to change back but dunno why and how, we have to start up a new account with Telstra now and they've decided to close the old account and refund our $5.52 after nearly a year sitting in the account doing nothing but earning interest for Telstra! I nearly fell over backward when I saw a cheque in the mail today from Telstra for $5.52 laughing out loud! This is the smallest amount on a cheque I've ever received.
the smallest I got was RM0.07.
..and I just paid Telstra AUD88.18 .. for outstandings.
sigh..i pokai now.
I've gotten one from Minute Maid for 1.12 pounds.
They had this promotion where you can buy one of their drinks for free, ie. pay first, then get the check later.
So, technically, I paid 20p for the drink. (Postage).
I like my cheques from my telephone provider to be a little bit bigger than that...
kelly looks like one of those bobble head dolls!
sorry wrong comment. what i meant to say was a few years back i used a credit card to pay for RM9.72 at the supermarket. the checkout girl could hv killed me with her stare.
ahahhaha, so CUTE !
What is the world currency exchange rate a year ago and today ar? LOL~! Post back to them with a note "Chia you limteh la..." LOL~!
mott: never mind, u can earn that money back easy!
sheena: 1.12 pound is hardly worth the trouble isn't it! hehehe..i supposed thay had to do the right thing.
simon: ha! i also used my credit card to pay at my supermarket anything over $5 coz can earn me points!
cely: yeah? me cute issit? hehe
wong: good idea!
I received a cheque for NILL from the ATO for last years tax return!!!
I should take a photo and post it up or something.
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