So you have a business and decide that you want to sell your products or services online. You buy a domain name; get some web hosting and a great web designer to create this fantastic website. The website is complete; it has your company logo, colours and looks very professional. You launch the website and wait for the sales to roll in, however this never happens. Weeks go by and still no visitors to the site; you wonder what could be wrong?
Many small businesses that enter the online scene don't realise that having a website does not automatically mean it will be found by search engines. What needs to be done is to put your website in front of these people that are actively searching online for your service or product. This process is better known as search engine optimisation and is offered by Melbourne IT.
Melbourne IT offers search engine optimisation solutions that aim to deliver. They cater for all types of businesses and provide an exceptional level of service and reporting that is easy to understand. As well as search engine optimisation Melbourne IT offers a complete online solution which includes domain registration, web hosting and web design.
For more information please visit or call 1300 654 677