Tonight Lost is on then followed by the new series of Amazing Race. After that there's Law & Order which I have to record while watching Amazing Race so I have no time to blog. Here's something to keep you amused for the time being...
One of my silly goldfishes got itself stuck in the siphoning tube I use for draining water when I was cleaning the tank last time. Dumb fish, swim backward, swim backward! Fish brain..
Aduh! Hope nobody reports you to R.S.P.C.A. hehe
Enjoy the shows...hope you got your "kua-chi" & kachang ready... :)
Btw, I've send more blockbusters deals to your mailbox, mate. ;)
Aiyoh...poor fish la, that one :(
lolz, im watching LOST right now :P
Hey Alex not only LOST, AMAZING RACE too is in. That poor goldfish just visited SIPHONING tube.
Waa..wuching, your fish can do backstroke wan ah? Cool.....
For added excitement, run the siphoning pump and see what happens. LOL
"keep swimming, keep swimming" ala Finding Nemo
hi all! just finished lost & watching amazing race now...
ahh..just finish amazing race & law & order...
amelia: thankz again
jeremy: silly fish doesn't deserve symphathy
alex allied: looks like everyone's hooked on lost
che-cheh: not to mention law & order, that silly fish can stay in the siphoning tube!
cocka doodle: now that's cruelty, i thot i was bad but ur psychotic!
5xmom: "just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming swimming swimming.." says Dory to herself
Is it because your pet is mimicking its owner... belakang mari?? lol
Helen: Alamak!...*blush*blush*
Btw, I fell out of my chair with laughter when I read your comment in "...& kites"...hahaha...i.e. you had thought that Wuching is a gal who's got the hots for Jeremy...hahaha
Wuching: Looks like you'll be the star of our next blockbuster together with Jem, who's going to come out of 'retirement'...hehe
Hollywood, here we come!!! :)
helen: maybe..i like belakang mari, don't u? hehe!
amelia: i think i'll star in 'wuching, queen of the desert' or 'to wuching, thanks for everything' hor!
Okie dokie! :p
Actually when i was replying to Helen's comment, I was thinking of casting you & Jem as the child stars in "... harassment" hehehe ;)
Either it's what Helen said OR ur goldfish has an obssession for its owner! Anyone also can, ya?
waaaaaaaaaa :~(
i have a soft spot for goldfishes.. hope its okay...
Poor fish, got tagged belakang mari :)
Hey, looks like u're into all kinds of creatures like "Kinky...I mean King Kong"? Bet u'd have got the (illegal pirated?)DVD from ajay by now??? Ha ha ha! Guess u must be wondering who's this STP, ya? Ask JC, he knows long last!
amelia: never heard or seen "harrasment"
hedo: don't worry, its ok..the dumb ones live forever!
jacky: now the fish's going to tag u!
stargazer: fish r dumb, all they do is eat & eat, they even know where i feed them so they wait there for me when they see me!
suituapui: met up with ajay but he didn't bring it out, wtf? i'll see if i can see him again tomorrow. who's STP? the man/woman of mystery..JC who's STP?
Chk ur "archives"... sent them to you last week.
Ahh!!! Never mind! Easier for me to reforward them again. :)
amelia: chi sing! who's gonna play the part of the girl? not me i hope & even if jeremy plays the girl, i'm not letting him kiss me!
Alamak! Laugh so much till my tummy hurts..hahahaha
Ok-lah! I give up.
Since Jem is already a mega-star, you can ask him who he wants his female co-star to be. ;)
diu...just like the owner
lol... really malu. But hey, at least I got this right! lol
amelia: i got something planned for that..
foodcrazee: hehe
helen: nothing to be malu of, we're all friends!
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