I believe this is a herbivorous dinosaur so it is vegetarian and we're all safe! Its very popular with the kids though, big and small. It walked aound Alexandra Gardens sniffing everyone and sticking its nose into everything.
Ok if you really must spoil it for all its actually a person inside a suit and manipulated some mechanisms to move its head, open its small mouth, blink its eyes and even make a small growl! Ain't it cool! I want a dinosaur for pet now, if it was real and just eat plants...
...but not if it was a T-Rex! This is a carnivorous dinosaur and it eats anything that moves! Bigger than the previous one it has to be animated by 2 persons, one to walk it around and the other to move its head, open its massive mouth to show its enormous teeth, blink its eyes and roar out loud when its angry!
Still the kids love it! Everywhere it went children would follow wanting to touch it, growl at it and provoke it to bite them! Just pretend its not a model operated by 2 people and enjoy the terror!
This is just one of the many attractions happening down at Festival Melbourne2006 last night when we went to Alexandra Gardens for the free show at the Big Top which hopefully I'll post next.
Wow! I know I would ve lots of fun too if I had been there! :)
I'd love to ve T-Rex for pet...but impossible to fit into my tiny house compound... ;) haha
Nice photos agsin, mate!
same here - what's the connection between dinosaur and the games? the athelets who fail to deliver a medal get gobbled up, izzit?
yeah, agree with stargazer, the vegetarian one would definitely come in handy!
amelia: oh, i thot u had a big backyard to fit both of them
stargazer: there's no connection, just part of the festival down the river
jeremy: u guessed right!
The OZ version of lion dance!
Alexandra Gardens for the free show... am having a few things running in my mind with regards to the free show..hahahaha..so am waiting with eager anticipation on what the "Free show" at the Big Top is all about... hoo boy... am having all sorts of weird ideas now.. hahaha..
Anyway..am wondering if we can rent that costume here in Kch to scare the shit out of some people....and I think it will be just perfect for those costume party.. hey..KNB...New Years Eve Party this year.. lets have the theme as "Prehistoric Cave Man" and have a few dinosaurs walking around...ooppps...we already have one.. STP...hahahahahaha...
Once again..great pics wuching and can't wait for the "free show" article posting :P
Hi (Whippoor?) Whills:
Lust time I visited was like Dinosaurus ages ago.
Some former colleagues have described me as a writer of Jurassic age
Do I qualify?
Do you pay sumthin' like RM20m?
My calculus reads about AUD9m only.
If the answer is Yes, emale me @
Darn! This is my 10th time trying to comment! U ban me like QV got banned elsewhere kah! No respect 4 the elderly lah u! I just wanna say that QV hot on prehistoric men - half naked in animal skins!!! Eeee! And that Amelia wants a dinosaur for a pet! Gosh! That wud make 2 of them in the house! Ha ha ha ha!
5xmom: its the dino rock dance!
QV: walau-eh! u have dirty mind, thinking of dirty thoughts about the free show! i think you'll be dissapointed leh!
desiderata: indeed i did think u were extinct! where have u been? writing dinosaur soapies in jurassic park issit? me paying RM20M? seriously i don't know what u r talking about! plz explain..
STP: i didn't ban u lah! stupid blogger is f**ked for 2 weeks now! i never ban ppl one, what for? no respect for elderly like u? how do u know i'm not older than u? huh? that's just cruel what u said about amelia's having a dinosaur for a pet man!
Cool. Too bad they didn't go all the way with the men and women in animal skin.....
Bet it'll be an even bigger attraction.....lol
Wonder how 2 people can fit into that t-rex and it must be freaking hot inside!?
wah lau
everyday catch snake !! Like that also can !!
helen: cavemen & women, oo i like that!
che-cheh: if u look carefully u can see that the one controlling the head is actually standing on the outside of the suit..
robin: like that also can! :)
Ha ha ha! You CANNOT be older than me! When I was already "hiau", u were just in diapers!! That should give u a fair idea how ancient I am! Based on QV's comment,I can be Amelia's pet! Hey! How come u didn't say QV's remark about me unkind? Ur eyes 1 big 1 small kah?
Ohhh now I see it. LOL
STP: & how do u know i was in diaper when u were hiau, maybe i was hiauer? oh so u wanna be amelia's pet! u r indeed very hiau! i didn't defend u against QV coz u r old & big & hiau enuff to defend urself against him! what, don't tell me u r a dansel in distress kah! SI TUA PUI!
che-cheh: *roll eyes!
All this dinosaur talk....i keep imagining STP and QV as Fred Flintstone and Barney. I suppose Amelia can be Wilma and JC can be Betty?? kahkah. Instead of Bedrock, I suppose they'll be living in Brokeback. hehe.
KNB: u have very good imagination, u should write the script for my next movie, speaking of movie i think its about time i make another one starring JC again..what say you?
KNB HAHAHAHA good sense of imagination. Hmmm..Wuching..yes..I think its time for a brief respite from the Commonwealth game and have a little honest fun and laughter hahahaha
Hey..those who have the Star today..check out page 4 of the National News....opening of the new low cost terminal...and check out the pics...at first glance I tot QE2 was also present at the opening..until i saw the goatee... WTF is Datuk Bashir Ahmad wearing a pink hat and holding a bag and in a top that sooo reminds me of Her Majesty???
Wuching..lets put it this way, STP is more than half a Pitan Nui age....so go figure how old he is..tat's why I said he prehistoric already...hahaha...and another thing to know he's old...his Idol at the time of his youth is now known as Sir Cliff Richard.... STP..should I tell them whats your confirmation name hahahahahahahha :P oooh nasty nasty hahahahaha yeah!! Its Friday!!
QV: what's pitan nui? i recall me listening to cliff richard too so i'm still not convinced he's that old!
Pitan Nui aka Century eggs, you know, those black coloured eggs, that gelatinous in character usually taken with porridge.
So, if Pitan Nui is also known as Century Eggs, so half a Pitan nui age is half a century.so you get the hint..u know, someone who is about to hit the age of mandatory retirement....hahahahahaha...oh man..I'm cruel....well, you can recall that you listened to Cliff Richard, but I dnt think he was your Idol rite, after all, if you stayed in Sibu, the only Radio Station we had was Radio Sarawak and when our parents picked us up from school, what do we hear, but golden oldies being blasted over the airwaves...that wld explain why KNB is such a pro in singing really golden Oldies.. hehahaha..not forgetting to mention myself of course hahahah
See QV! Nobodu believes u! I sound SO young bah! Ha ha ha! KNB so bad! JC becomes Betty!! Hilarious!
HAHAHAAHHAAHAHA yes..I know..............."nudge nudge" hahahahahahahhaha.......well, you are suffering from the classic case of Sik tauk dirik tua hahahaha....for wuching's convenience I translate that... sik tauk dirik tua means don't know that you are old hahahaha
old men talk too shit in here!
I couldn't post anything yesterday! tried like 10-15 times!
chin kian: blogger's f**ked! everyone's having the same problem..
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