Well that is still a word so I think the teacher should at least award half a point for that, what do you think?
I've been doing a lot of CnP postings lately due to lack of happenings going on in my life. I'd prefer to post on things that happen in my life on a daily basis but there isn't much happening so until things start to happen...I have to make happening things. Confused? Don't worry, so am I!
eh i have a suggestion la! if the news dun come to u then u make the news urself la! go run over a dog or rob an old lady then blog bout it lol
Kids these days are very smart!
Hey, I know wat u can do. Since you're so into those cosmic stuff, go write daily horoscope on ur blog! LOL (...or 4D prediction...)
I think the teacher should award the kid 2 points if the implication was to 'fuck' the 'duck'.
This is called abstract thinking. LOL
Omigawd! Obviously it runs in the family! That kid must have got his uncle's "hiau" genes!!! Ha ha ha!
Maybe i'm going to join your club soon. 'The nothing to post club' :P
wingz: i might just take up ur advise!
neo: cool kids
helen: if i write horoscope stuff, u be my first customer?
simple american: no ducking way!
cocka: yes, abstract thinking..i'm blurred liao!
STP: hiau gene is good gene!
che-cheh: yay! i'm in the same club as che-cheh!
kakaka. must have heard his uncle said that word too often. for every mistake there is a reason mah.
nothing to do ah? post about what toothbrush you use, how long you brush your teeth, your wardrobe, your breakfast, hour to hour log of your activities.....so much to say mah. it's not what you do, it's how you say it lah.
Obviously, mslenglui doesn't know how boring, uneventful ur life is! No more parades, no more grand events...winter's coming, getting cold...and something starts to shrink and ends up looking like balitong (courtesy of 5XMOM)!!! ha ha ha! BTW, ur word verfication is bkncho..."bikin" in Malay and "cho" in Hokkein! Gee! Divine revelation...go make babies!!!
muhahaha. What a smart kid. but still, no half mark for that wor. I used to be a tutor, must mark strictly!!! lolxXxx
mslenglui: nolah, i don't even get to see him at all, twice in his life time nia!
good advise on the posting, sounds like what i advise che-cheh a while back! now its come back to me!
STP: SI TUA PUI! how do u know i don't make babies everyday! unlike u, i don't have a mission impossible problem wif ur big beer gut so ur balitong cannot reach! HAHAHAHA!
yummlicious: ur too strict! :(
At 54, it is no longer a problem, my dear wuching! It's a lifestyle! Ha ha ha ha ha! And I don't drink beer...GOUT!
HAHAHAHA...kids nowaday...now..why didn't I think of writting such essays when STP was my teacher..he would have a good laugh and so would all the other teachers but of course he would have to fail me even though I am his cousin....Heck!!! Having STP as my teacher and also a cousins was the worst time in school, it felt that someone was perpetually breathing down my neck not to mention the sarcasm thrown at me and the insults..(STP..remember the time I went to school with a crutch and you had to walk into class with a Cassette player and played the song..I'm Jack the Peg...KNN indeed lah u anyway...STP...shall I ask my Medical Doctors to prescribe viagra for you? A change of lifestyle perhaps..hehehehe
psst!! any students in here..teachers gossip a lot about their students to the fellow teachers..so u do stupid things in one class it gets around not only in the staff room of your school but when they meet for meetings or confrences with other teachers in other schools they talk about their students peccadiloes to other teachers and it gets spread nationwide..now..with computer..it seems that it is spread all over the world..hahahaha
STP..didn't u say that your internet connection in school is down? What r u doing online? Sigh! and there I was hoping for some peace in the cyber world
STP: no u don't drink beer, just hard liquor & u should take it easy now at ur age! no more eat till u burst & wanton sex! u have to make it to 64!
QV: i think any amount of viagra will not help stp coz tho it helps it gets hard, its still too short to reach beyond his gut! hahahahaha
Wuching..heheheheheheHAHAHAHAhahahahehahahaha...LOL!!! Dnt know what else to say but just laugh my head off..
OI!! why u not on MSN messenger today :P
WAH!!! She who Shall not Be Named aka Amelia made a RM 100 Contribution to the sisuahlai charity fund..not bad for someone who stopped commenting...
OI!! Amelia..come back and help Wuching out..he's suffering from boredom and don't know what to post. He needs you as an inspiration and muse and also your comments. You don't have to go and visit other blogs if you don't want to, just stick to Wuching and comment here loh...:P
Wuching..what the F*Ck...your word verfication gets longer and longer each time I post comment..trying to deter me is it :P hahahaha
Gee...wuching talking as if he HAS seen my balitong!! If no booze, no sex...I'd probably live to a hundred...or least, it feels like that!!! That QV...talking about school! Wait till I bring out ALL the skeletons in the closet...and he'll go into self-imposed exile!!! Just this morning...Lower 6 students coming in, and 1 that I taught in Form 5 last year gave me a pen (Not another 1!) and a novel (Hardcover some more)! Students nowadays are more grateful...that those in the past (or 1 at least)!
QV: i have no power over blogger lah!
We are very grateful to STP for giving us the ability to be as sarcastic and to take insults thrown at us left, right and center. Hey...its called taking a dose of your own medicine mah...you didn't expect us to rebutt back at you in school or else we end up being dragged to the discipline teacher...so now that we are all on equal footing in the outside world..we take the opportunity to rebutt back at you....
I just recalled another thing.. STP has this habit..when school term started in December (during the time of one backward Minister of Education, who was thrown out for prefering entry from the backside...that explains why he was so backward thinking....as he prefers the backside :P ) anyway... back to STP...so..during that time, and I was an unfortunate student during those times where we had to go to school during Christmas season when we should be having holidays...STP loved to write on the blackboard this most important date and circle around it.. 2nd of December.....So.. Wuching..dont forget ya...2nd of December is STP's birthday...see..i'm not ungrateful..I still remember your birthday after all this years...and am now telling everyone else so they can wish you a happy birthday next time and send you gifts...so you don't have to go around telling everyone when is your birthday like what you used to do and what some people love to do nowadays...So don't forget all, for those who cares and love STP..his Birthday is on the 2nd of December
Somehow or other in that looooong comment, sarcasm oozes from every pore!!! And hey, QV! How come u never seem to remember all these years??? Didn't get any present leh?
hahahaha.....half a point for fuck....hahaha
QV: yes, keep 'em coming..i wanna hear more dirts on STP!
STP: what u want for birthday this year? more viagra?
laksa: yes mah..don't u think?
Die lar, I have nothing to post too.
neo: post about how many time u poo this week!
HAHAHA..no..i was not being sarcastic towards you..it was informing people of your birthday....cis...when you be nice...you are accused of sarcasm...waste of time trying to be nice to STP...must be his defense mechanism towards sarcasm, so even if one write a nice posting about him he has to think that one is insulting him...hahahaha
No presents after all this year...hey..I do call or sms what..I remembered one year, we, your ex-student, were sitting in Kch drinking and we all wished u a Happy Birthday what.
Dnt know what to get you mah...if you don't like it, you complain to people like what you did to that kind student who gave you a pen....so best is not to get you anything but rather wish you a Happy Birthday and pray for you loh...
Wuch..more dirt ah..slowly slowly..it shall be revealed..hahahaha..like some people...as u slowly get to know them..then all will eventually be revealed....
QV: ok, i wait patiently...just don't tell me STP used to be a woman!
nah just has a fetish to be in dresses and skirts...(please refer to comments made by STP earlier in previous post on STP wanting to be Mary Magdalene) hahahhahahhahhaha no lah...he's not that weird...(i hope) hehehehehe
aiyoyoy!! another STP & QV take over!!!! *runs for cover!!*
yvy: watch out, they're like viruses taking over the blogosphere..they're starting to infect 5xmom's blog! u still wanna poke them? they'll soon infect ur blog too! malicious!
ahhh wonder where that kid learned the word.. hmmmm...
Gee! Don't blame me lah! If C =comment, 1 X QVC = 4 X STPC!!! Yalah...Wuching, I'm not that weird lah!!! And don't worry, QV...I accept ANYTHING! If not nice, I wait till somebody's birthday...then I give it away (Hope not to the person who gave me! Old man! Memory not so good, may get mixed up!)
robin: from the adults of course!
STP: i never said u were..
Hmmm that should tell your brother a thing or two!
fh2o: my bro doesn't swear ler.
STP...see, what for give you presents, you end up giving it away to other people hahahaha
Wuching.. too late...I've infected YvY blog already for poking me..hehehe..
YvY..wah!!! berani..hahahahaha
QV: dear lord, please have mercy on yvy from the evils that's going to to come her blog...
QV: dear lord, please have mercy on yvy from the evils that's going to to come her blog...
Wuching..turning to God is not going to help this time round hahaha..hey..I'm very polite in other people's blog...errr..ok..in some people's blog..most of it though not all ;) hehehehe
QV: good boy
QV: If I like, I won't give to others lah!! Expensive, branded stuff...sure I'll keep for myself!! Get the hint? Ha ha ha ha ha!
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