Of course kolo mee is best served with some char siew and a side serve of clear soup which unfortunately is impossible to bring over so will just have to eat it with the local char siew.
How does it taste? Well, its day old kolo mee so you be the judge but I still enjoyed it coz it came all the way from Malaysia. Thank you Henry!
#1 Yeah!!!!
Hey, how did your friend's relatives 'smuggle' all these food in?? The beagle did not sniff them out ar??? lol
Recently my church member went Australia to visit her cousin. The auntie had given my fren a bag of goodies all nicely packed to hide the scent. Unfortunately, the beagle got it.
Yeah, too bad the chicken meat floss, etc etc was confiscated!! lol
Wahlau! Like that also can?
My friends can't even bring over kolo mee/kampuan from Sarawak to KL, and yours can bring all the way to Australia!
Bravo to your friend's relatives!
wah lau !!! I so miss kolok mee !! arrrghhhh... gonna be deprived of that for quite some time....
green road area ah? got famous kolok mee meh? hmmm....
maybe i have been away for too long...
OI!!! u totally forgot bout me lar?!!! where's my share? u know i'm starvin when i read this? lol. how come can pass customs?
The noodles look good. Can only imagine how yummy they will be when finally cooked
Got 2 salute yr relatives...willing 2 bring noodles all the way even with the risk of customs confiscating them ;)
Haha, lucky i still can get kampua in KL, place like sunway, SS24 PJ, Puchong. Those cooker from Sarawak also.
helen: not easy to get thru customs, they're too good ler..even have their own tv series called border security showing how they catch all kinds of contrabands ppl try to amuggle into the country!
neo: what? can't even bring kolo mee & kampua mee to kl? why so strict leh?
robin: drooling oredi? be patient, u'll get home soon enuff.
alex: aiya, not enuff to share wif u lah..remember i was 'given' these kolo mee by my fren..not enuff to share wor! i chia u next time lah! hehehe
tj: they're oredi cooked but frozen, just need to heat them up & they're my fren's relatives..not mine, i'd told my relos to forget about it since its not worth the risk of getting caught by customs!
jomel: aiya! din know ur from sarawak oso! this is ur lucky day..u can get them at sunway, SS24 PJ, Puching like what my bro said above! thankz heng!
wuheng: thankz for the tip, now jomel & other sarawakians in kl know where to eat kampua in kl! r they any good?
better than nothing mah...
When I was studying in Melb, we used to bring back stacks of roti canai from KL and keep in freezer also.
Used to miss these local food while I was in Melbourne. But now that I'm in Malaysia, I wish I could be able to miss them again, coz I wish I could be in Melbourne now.
What noodle is that? I don't think I've ever tasted that *hint hint*
And seriously, HOW IN THE WORLD did they get pass customs? Those beagles must be suffering from a cold. Winter and all.. HhmMmm....
Ohh wow lucky YOU!
hmmm how your friend smuggle in ar ?
king's wife: that's very true..anything is better than nothing. :)
alex allied: i don't know what ur circumstances is but if u miss melb then u should be here!
mei: that noodle is a sarawak delicacy, should 1 day we ever meet in sarawak i will belanja u eat kau kau!
i think they got thru customs coz they were lucky..customs only check randomly, not everyone.
jomel: why don't u ask wuheng for the exact locations, i would if i knew i can have kampua here in melb too! ok i will speak real..ly sl..ow..ly. r..u..foo..chow..or..hok..kien..? ur..fr..om..ve..nus..so..i..am..fr..om..ma..rs..! ;)
SA: its not the best noodle in the world but i think ppl r just used to it so when away in faraway places we then to miss it plenty! :)
che-cheh: my fren professional smuggler one so antthing is possible! hahahaha
So poor thing!
Enjoy your kolo-mee and remember to chew and swallow slowlyyyyy!! ;)
ooooooooo... ah tong's kolomee... everyone from green road area (like me) knows ah tong's kolomee... hehehehe.
unfortunately i'm not much of a kolomee fan, unless it's mixed with black vinegar.
wow....so lucky to get this into oz. how ur geng manage to escape??
fh2o: i still got teeth, not to worry!
hedo: so that's where its from! ah tong's..i'm not much of a kolo me eater either especially if its got black vinegar!
yvy: yes, my geng can smuggle anything! hehe
i understand that when drug smugglers want to get something through the custom, they stuff it in the rectum.....erm, does your mee smell funny? *grins* never mind, enjoy your mee.
I want kolo mee. Send a plate to me. Thank you.
the char siew look nices
jomel: ok, ok..now i know..
me: oh pei pei pei pei pei! stop it u!
neo: ask ur fren mr wong to send u 1
yothemans: thanz, tasted ok too!
maybe the frozen noodles looked like intant noodles under the x-ray machine. and since customs now only open bags if something needs further check after x-ray, yr friends relatives must have got through easily ;)
Kolo mee all the way from Kuching...very good friends u have. Some people really love their noodles. For example, STP would tapau 5 packets of kolo mee from Betong to bring back to Sibu...hahah. So tham chiak.
Btw, QV and STP are on their Gawai break so u wont hear from them till next week.
tj: maybe or maybe they got lucky!
KNB: oh gawai oredi! they've gone to longhouses for 'ngayap' issit? hehehehe
Gawai 1st June bah....u forgot oredi har. Ngirup maybe lar...ngayap i don think STP can lar, he'll need lots of Viagra. As for QV...better ask him urself what he ngayap. Khahkah.
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