If you are lucky enough to be called, you have to go through a tight security check on you before you go inside. They don't want you to hijack the judges I supposed! Sorry I couldn't get inside to see the auditions and the poor quality photos but I don't think they would be happy for me to check out their auditions and to take the photos there too! These are actually spy shots, that's why they came out not so good!
Wei, u didn't take part meh? Who knows you could be the next William Hung. Hey, your Wuching also starts with W. Let's see...eyes oso the same, nose oso the sa.....*runs before kena tembak*
There's NO Malaysian Idol this year. Apparently the organisers CANNOT afford to pay the FRANCHISE FEES.
Have you heard of MUSLIM IDOL?! It exists, you know?! No kidding!!
Muslim idol? The muslims are against ALL idols worship. No images or idols.
5xmom: how do u know i didn't take part? u could be seeing my face soon as wuching hung on australian idol! ROFLMAO!
weila: why cannot pay! didn't they make a profit from the last malaysian idol? if no idol just watch rerun of hiburan rtm lah, way...back during the black & white transmission!
pelf: what? lidat also got ah? this i gotta see, where is it? got website anot?
simple american: name's ching, wuching! bring me a martini, shaken not stirred...
xxx idol i'll definitely watch! O_O
multidimid: that's what i thot too but then again so is christianity & they still worship idol!
So you become a spy now ?
U mean YOU went for the audition? What did u sing? "Ching thien pu hwei chia???" Ha ha ha ha ha!
che-cheh: yes, but tell anyone hor!
STP: that's "Jin Tien Bu Hui Jia"! duh! *roll eyes*
heh. i thought YOU went for the auditions.
U must understand...I over half century old. Last time, no metric system, no wat-u-call-it pinyin spelling...!!!
ah pek: i did but they said i'm too good for ai so bad luck!
STP: u where got old? can sing kalaokay wif pussycat dolls still! lets go kalaokay 1 day!
LOL.RTM's ratings might shoot up if they show those RE-RUNS. Btw, the Malaysian Idol was not shown on RTM but another commercial channel.
As for the profits from the last show, everyone knows that MALAYSIA BOLEH but SEKALI SEKALA PUN TIDAK BOLEH. ;)
why didn't you audition? the winner of ozzie idol 2 years ago was none other than a malaysian born dude.
you can do a foochow number! :D
weila: oh, i miss those friday night's malay wayang gambar movies back then on rtm in b&w! do they still have those?
laksa: like i said to ah pek, they jealous i too good bah!
Hey, I'm also like everyone rooting for you ler... GO GO GO Wuching GO...
Who knows, the next time I turn on MTV I see you doing a duet with Kylie...
HAHAHA..I can just imagine Wuching trying out for Australian Idol....trying to be another Guy Sebastian is it? Hopefully you wouldn't get an afro haircut...:P
Anyway, I dnt think he is qualified to join, Wuching, like STP is over the age limit already hehehehe but thank God not as old as STP
thanks for being so 'kay-poh'with this post and the pictures but don't blame us if u end up with a black eye! ;)
helen: hahaha, me wif kylie..not in a million years! but thankz for rooting for me!
QV: i don't need sebastian's afro hair, my spikey hair is nicer..also i'm only 18 so i'm qualified!
fh2o: why would anyone want to give me black eye? i'm so innocent lah!
You 18 ah...then I am only 6 hahahahaha..wahlau..for a 6 year old I talk a lot ah..hahaha
QV: of course lah, u r 1 of those gifted childs mah!
Tq Tq Tq hahahahahahha you see the sitcom in Laksa? So nice..even Desperate Housewives, Dynasty, Falcon Crest and Dallas combine also kalah hahahaha
QV: yes i saw that, u memang hantam him kau kau wor!
Well, in pursuit of truth, we must defend what is true and dispell all rumours and gossip before it becomes worse... siapa ask him to tipu people? Like we dont know how to ask the parties involve mah.. only cause shame to the parties involve.. kesian the gal...
QV: which gal? amelia?
You closet aussie idol wannabe! Hehehe. Just admit it, you went for the audition because you WANT to be in! Hehehe..
Hhmm, am I gonna be seeing you on tele anytime?
I want to become a spy too. Any tips? I want to spy Malaysia Idol auditions.
Later can also spy movies in cinemas and sell in pasar malam.
mei: shh....don't say so loud, ppl hear liao!
neo: u have take my 3 month intensive spy course first, only then a spy will u be..
spy movies can, but no pasar malam here wor.
I agree with mei...U went bcos u want to join but too old! Yalah...how can u sing with Kylie!! With Dame Edna more likely! Ha ha ha ha!
STP: SI TUA PUI! when i get back to sibu we will have a kalaokay contest to see who can sing better! u game anot?
Wuching & Quavadis, referring to your discussion above, I did read QV's COMMENT but before I could comment anything, it was DELETED. So, I left that blog in PEACE.
Gentlemen, I thought it is better not to CAMPURTANGAN, right?
weila: yes, i was surprised to find that QV's comment disappeared! i see ur taking amelia's advise, good lah. enuff ping pong game lah..hehe
Ooo...I love challenges! U Yi Tien or Fei Yee Ching sound-alike? To give u a hint, got kalaokay contest for combined mission schools' teachers day celebration, I wanted to join...and they said not 4 "seasoned singers", maybe can be judge! Hah!!! Now u green shit or not???
Wuching....STP is a professional KOK singerlah....when he was in Kuching and brought him to one of the pubs that offers KOK everyone was very impressed with his signing and wanted him to join the competition but unfortunately he couldn't be in town for the contest..hahahahaha
Weila..yes..don't campurtangan..nanti tangan kotor only and kena taik.
Well, Wuch..u know how mashimaro is like mah....little bit the white white round round face turn green hahahahahah..but u know who I was talking about earlier mah..about the gal..so dnt have to repeat the name lah.. hehehehe..after all, she's also known as She who Shall not be Named :P
STP: can! ur on! i can fei yi ching & any one hit wonder singers who's ever walked on earth! i no green shit, just outta practise only!
QV: i don't care if STP pro or not, i still wanna challenge him. i'll be the underdog, david & goliath...i still got chance, get ppl like u to vote for me like in AI one, can anot? hehe
Aiyo...like that not fair lah! Use voting...all my students vote for me, u no chance lah! Unless u use money one! That's what Foochows do to win...in anything. Right, QV?
STP: QV got ways to rig the votes for me mah, hor QV?
Wah! Since when u so "kam-cheng" with QV? Wat hanky-panky going on behind my back hah? Can trust even ur own relative...when it comes to money!
Hey...I didn't say I will rig the votes for Wuching ah!!
OI!! Wuch..don't simply sell my name.. I send my lawyers to sue you then you know hahahahahhaha
I remain neutral.. Will ask the professional KOK judges to judge this competition..don't want to get involved..will just go and be entertained by STP and hopefully Wuching also...(dnt know if he can sing or not..oi..Wuch..put a podcast of you singing in your blog lah so we can listen to your voice :P But be careful..or either we pengsan after we hear it or Aunty Lilian and your other female bloggers might end up falling in love with your voice hahahahah
Hmmm..maybe STP should send his voice recording to Wuching and wuching can post it up along with Wuching's voice recording of them singing the same song and we judge which one is better. We can ask Election Commission to come in and make sure that there is no vote rigging like there was in someone's blog before hahahaha
STP: no hanky panky lah, i'm just suggesting! see, QV gets so excited oredi, wanna sue me pulak so must've done it b4!
QV: ok i can podcast but audience must drink plenty of alcohol first to 'get' in the mood to hear me sing
HEHEHEHE....of course..that's why have so many lawyers on standby...ready to sue....
okie...tell us and we will get ourselves drunk before listening to you singing :P
QV: malaysia still not at that stage yet when ppl sue each other left right center like no tomorrow lah so lawyers 'tan bo jiat' oso hehe
make sure u drink kau kau b4 listening!
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