hello! Were you just sitting in your study, did a little swivel on your chair, and noticed your collection? I must say the "idiot guide's to" series continues to be quite popular, myself guilty of being an eejit twice.
Noticed your games seemed to be all "originals" in very nice boxes. That's a rarity in my neck of the woods. There's a general concensus that it'll take at least another generation to appreciate that piracy is baaaaaddddd!!!
*big hugs* I too am a sucker for DIY books. I learnt html, dhtml, photoshop, java etc etc from books too. I oso read motivational books like zig ziglar, 7-habits series, chicken soup, fengshui......Yay!!!!! I find a soulmate!
aiyooorr...i dun play games wan. oklar, i do but more like those solve-the-puzzle kind. not the tembak2, or space ship shooting here n there kind. so violent lar!
Hey, you're so into those cosmo thingy, too bad u did not jump into those tarrot cards bandwagon then! Now those cosmic stuffs (fengshui, tarrot, horoscope) are very hot...
I also have ONE of those "idiot" books...for grammar and writing. Don't be deceive by the name;thye're very well-written and they can make something as boring as grammar interesting! Never read any books or got any tutoring on computers...but hey! For someone my age, I think I'm doing just great! Try and try...cannot try again!
Thought ur job has got comething to do with computers...and in the post, u showed everyone in ur office sleeping...and the one no shoes u said was ur boss' son. So I reckon ur work involves computers...so u the expert lah!
I don't believe the first one but I believe the 2nd one where you got conned. :DDD
Not sure about Mechwarrior. Never heard of these games.
che-cheh: believe all 3 of them! ur too young to know mechwarrior but i think u will like it
hello! Were you just sitting in your study, did a little swivel on your chair, and noticed your collection? I must say the "idiot guide's to" series continues to be quite popular, myself guilty of being an eejit twice.
Noticed your games seemed to be all "originals" in very nice boxes. That's a rarity in my neck of the woods. There's a general concensus that it'll take at least another generation to appreciate that piracy is baaaaaddddd!!!
YES!!! Top 5 again!!! Woohooo!!!
aiyoo...i'm so the perasan lar!! lol :P
eerrhh.....u're right, i langsung dunno wat games these are!
*big hugs* I too am a sucker for DIY books. I learnt html, dhtml, photoshop, java etc etc from books too. I oso read motivational books like zig ziglar, 7-habits series, chicken soup, fengshui......Yay!!!!! I find a soulmate!
wahhh u can seriously read that much???
You are serious? Reading the idiot's book makes you an idiot. Read the Mastering series instead... :)
uutkcoz: thanz for ur comment, yes i had nothing to post last night so i did that...it was a spurr of the moment thingy!
yvy: u don't know those games? what games do u play? not hiaw hiaw ones i hope!
5xmom: we r both self-taught experts hor! speaking of chicken soup, maybe i should post terese's recipe books, she has an even larger collection!
robin: used to lah, nowadays i'll fall asleep after 2nd paragraphs!
simple american: spycraft so hard to beat! had to use cheats to play thru the levels! hahaha!
neo: i'm already an idiot to start off wif so they r just right for me! :P
ya! all those books also i have. bought tons of them before i bought my first computer.
ah pek: hahaha, u & i in the same boat drifting down the river of computing!
aiyoh, i can't bear the thought of reading all that...too technical. i'd much prefer to have someone tutor me :P
Pssst!!! You don't play those Japanese Hentai games meh? Or you do it in the office? LOL
laksa: ur lucky to have someone tutoring u, i don't have that luxury.
cocka: don't have it here, u got anot? gimme gimme!
stargazer: yeah..i'm not just a pretty face hor! hehehe..but seriously, i'm just 'half-bucket water' lah!
Those are old idiot's book. Anything more recent?
neo: diu! they were useful at the time lah! nowadays i don't need any book coz i'm a full fledge sith lord!
aiyooorr...i dun play games wan. oklar, i do but more like those solve-the-puzzle kind. not the tembak2, or space ship shooting here n there kind. so violent lar!
yvy: hahaha..hearing that from some1 who likes to watch gory bloody movies!
Hey, you're so into those cosmo thingy, too bad u did not jump into those tarrot cards bandwagon then! Now those cosmic stuffs (fengshui, tarrot, horoscope) are very hot...
Hey, can make alot of money ler..... lol
I also have ONE of those "idiot" books...for grammar and writing. Don't be deceive by the name;thye're very well-written and they can make something as boring as grammar interesting! Never read any books or got any tutoring on computers...but hey! For someone my age, I think I'm doing just great! Try and try...cannot try again!
helen: siao lor! i may be crazy sometimes but not that gullible for that sort of crap!
STP: english teacher learns from idiot book! ur students' parents wanna take their kids outta ur school now!
Computer "expert" learn from idiot's books...no wonder no business, spend time sleeping (see post...long, long ago)!
STP: i have no idea what ur on about. what computer expert? what post long ago? plz explain
Thought ur job has got comething to do with computers...and in the post, u showed everyone in ur office sleeping...and the one no shoes u said was ur boss' son. So I reckon ur work involves computers...so u the expert lah!
STP: yes lah but no expert lah! half bucket water only! unlike u!
Me...? Only one quarter bucket water! Just know enough to do my owrk...and kacau people!! Ha ha ha!
haha!! u';re right....nothing beats the real thing so maybe the game is not 'good' enough for me kot? plus, the shooting2 kind - aiyoor, mahuan lar!
better i stick to my pnndora's box or anything of that sort of genre. as long as i happy - nothing else matters. :D
I dunno who all these people are, but XWing was a kick-arse game!
I broke three mice playing that game and wearing the buttons out.
believe it or not,I Love mechwarrior
aurelius: roger that, gold leader!
yothemans: i've found my fellow mechwarrior!
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