James Bond walks into a bar and takes a seat next to a very attractive woman. He gives her a quick glance, then casually looks at his watch for a moment.
The woman notices this and asks: "Is your date running late?" "No," Bond replies. "Q has just given me this state-of-the-art watch. I was testing it." The intrigued woman says: "A state-of-the-art watch? What's so special about it?"
Bond explains: "It uses alpha waves to talk to me telephatically." The lady says: "What's it telling you now?" "Well, to be perfectly frank," says Bond. "It says you're not wearing any knickers!"
The woman giggles and replies: "Well, it must be broken because I assure you I am." Bond looks momentarily puzzled. Then he taps his watch, grins and says: "Wouldn't you know it! Bloody thing's an hour fast."
omg. thats a very sexy pick up line =)
Ooooo.... tat's some pick up line... hehe
LOL...good one!!
hahaa..tt's furnniee...!!
cheng sim: u like that if some one say that to u?
beer brat: u wanna try it next time?
king's wife: another satisfied customer!
yummlicious: u find it funny? then it probably won't work on u then..
HAHAHA excellent pick up line..you should have posted that up before KNB and JC went off to Phuket so that they can use it...hahahahaha
Have a nice Sunday Wuch
QV: KNB & JC don't need pick up lines in Phuket, they just need money! :P
Haha... good one. How come I can't see Bond in the picture?
neo: that pic is taken from the view of james bond so u r him & ur walking towards her at the bar!
Hahahaha nice one!
And my watch tells me that u're back at work today...!!!
che-cheh: glad u like that
STP: why shouldn't i be at work today?
See...my watch is correct! Not like James Bond's...too fast!
STP: lame
Hey! U watched Spore movie "I not stoopid too" already kah! Now my students all saying "so cool" and "lame"! Nice movie esp 4 every parent and teacher!! Dont have over there? Next time Alex comes back I send u DVD lah!
STP: what singapore movie, don't have here lah..yeah get my drug mule to courier it over here..hehe
Click click, drag drag... the view doesn't move at all...
Not a 3D walk through meh?
neo: use ur imagination!
bbwaaahhaa.....i read this one edi lor!!....oooppss, did that just come out of my mouth??
what i meant to say was, ooooo that was so funny!!!
lol :P but seriously, it was. :D
yvy: that's more like it!
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