The only teacher that I know of is suituapui who teaches English in Sacred Heart Secondary School in Sibu which was where I went to school. Lucky for me I've never met him all through my school days there, he came after I left school.
So have a great day today Suituapui aka Beautiful Mountain. Sorry I don't have any present to give you but I remember when I was in primary school we used to recite a poem that was supposed to make fun of the teachers.
I will try to recite that poem for you today and for all the teachers that are reading this. Its in mandarin but I will try to explain what it means should you don't understand mandarin. And since I can't write mandarin I will attempt to write it using the alphabets follows by the explanation. Here goes;
Lau xi jiao wuo du su
Teacher teach me study book (The teacher try to educate me)
Wuo jiao lau xi ta san ju
I teach teacher hit mountain pig (I try to teach him how to hunt for wild boars)
San ju tiau kuo herh
Mountain pig jump across river (The wild boar escapes across the stream)
Lau xi ta lau poh
Teacher hit wife (The teacher took his frustration out on his wife instead)
Lau poh tiau san tiau
Wife jump three jumps (His wife jumps up and down)
Lau xi ha ha siao!
Teacher ha ha laugh (The teacher was amused and started laughing)
Funny how it doesn't sound very funny nowadays when I recited it and can be considered quite offensive towards domestic violence! But bear in mind we were all just kids and mucking around at the time, no harm intended.
Have a good day suituapui!
LOL!!! i really tot he really vented out his anger on his wife.
Wuching, I wonder if they still teach the students to recite that POEM today. LOL
Suituapui, SELAMAT HARI GURU! :)
alex: i'm sure he's a loving husband to his wife!
weila: i hope so or else i'll feel like the only idiot around reciting that domestic violence poem dedicated to all teachers!
Happy Teacher's Day to all the teacher out there.
I've never heard that poem before in my life.
we used to call our Mandarin cls teacher as Lau Fu Zhi - Old Master Q
phew, luckily he-who-shall-not-be-named hasn't commented yet.
p/s stp: happy teacher's day :D
naughty naughty wuching back then !!! ahahhaaa...
i duno why, but i do find the poem rather amusing.
happy teachers day!!!
Wuching, yeah i heard of this poem, but the last 2 sentence differed a little.
It goes like this;
"lao poh tiau it tiau (His wife jumped once)
"Lao se kau lan jiao" (teacher played with his prick)
Don't mean anything but it rhymes. LOL
Anyway, happy teacher's day suitaipui!
Haha. I was trying to figure it out without reading the explanation. Took me awhile! But it's kinda funny! :D
che-cheh: maybe it was b4 ur time, nvm now u've heard it first here on my blog!
foodcrazee: ah yes, old master q...i used to love reading that together wif my siao ding dang comic
alex: don't worry, he'll b commenting soon enuff!
robin: we were just kids doing what kids do best! u like the poem? good on u!
simple american: i think maybe ur right! no wonder the teacher was amused..
fashionasia: happy teachers day!
cocka: hmm...2 different endings tho same poem, somehow somewhere it must've got changed along the way between west & east malaysia..good either way.
mei: hey mei! ur up early, u got enuff sleep last night? btw, good on u to b able to catch the lines without my explanation!
hehe... thanks for the reminder.. gotta wish some of my fav lecturers today :)
muahahahaha, nice dedication there wuching.
i think i know who suituapui is.
Happy Teacher's Day! and have a good one, STP. if you come back to kch, i'll buy you a cold one and take you singing again (Whitney's your fav, right?)
Wuching, this has nothing to do with your post or Suituapui.
I have been told that I have OVERSTAYED my welcome on the other blog by the BLOG OWNER. So, do you still welcome me here?
TQ, Wuching and all the rest 4 the greetings. Now, let me explain the poem. Set in old days, students found studying meaningless and would rather hunt wild boar or go fishing (even in rural areas today)...and the MAN was the Lord and Master, the wife - the punching bag for him to vent his anger and to serve him and make him happy(laugh)! Sigh! Those were the days!
Well, Weila...actually don't want to "campur tangan" (BTW, wuching, ur BM gud, lah! That "tua keladi" thingy...I don't even know what "Miang" means) but last time I made a comment, she was furious and resorted to foul language! I didn't even know what made her so angry. Some people have peculiar idosyncracies; best thing is just ignore them lah!
Laksa: cold one what? Not a shower again? Ha ha ha! Me sing Whitney?? No lah! Pussycat Dolls ok! "Doncha wish ur boyfren is fat like me?..."
STP : hahaha, ok ok, won't argue with you on that one. PCD it is then...
cold one meaning beer la, what cold shower?
hedo: yes happy teachers day to ur lecturers!
alex allied: i'm sure u do, he may even taught u too! well he tutored the other alex.
laksa: ur such a nice guy..wishing stp a good day & all! :)
weila: aww...u poor thing, get out of the rain now..u r always welcome here..*hangs over towel to dry ur hair & a cup of warm soup*
STP: ur students still go hunt wild boars nowadays? or they just catch those little fish that look like guppyfish call 'com buoy hu' in the longkang!
Huh! Students these days go hunting something else! And our longkang so polluted, where got anything that can survive? And yalah, Wuching! Laksa IS a nice guy...the few occasions that we've met! Gentle, soft-spoken...(maybe got true colours that I didn't get to see, that I dunno lah!)! Unlike some people, always pok me here, pok me there, pok me everywhere!
STP: ur saying laksa has dark side we don't know about? & QV & I kacau u all the time, u wanna cry issit? big cry baby lah!
Happy Teacher's Day!
Today no public holiday? :)
neo: u wish!
Wah...STP. U really memang tua lar. Even the origin of kids poems also u know. And I guess even in blogs u are still a teacher...explaining poems pulak..haha.
Another thing, be careful with your choice of words...pok here pok there..pokpok...hahah. So many people pokpok u kah? U can ask ur stout balding lawyer friend/ex-student what the word means.
KNB: Once a teacher, always a teacher; once a king, always a king
but once a knight's enough! Dunno lah! That Wuching always asking people to pok one!
STP: oh c'mon! i know u like poking! admit it!
BTW, I asked mu students. 1 of them knows the poem; I got him to recite...and everyone thought it's so stoopid!! In the end I had to explain...so that they may appreciate it!
STP: hahaha! good one sin say! u have make sure this poem doesn't get lost in the generations to come!
btw, r u in kk again?
HAHAHAHAHA.. Happy Belated Teacher's Day STP..was out on the campaign trail, unfortunately couldn't "accidently" leave the bag behind with someone (KNB was not around) so no free meals and holidays hahahahahahahaha
Anyway...wuch..dnt recognise the poem but the translation was a help and it was a good laugh...
QV: STP knew this poem straight away! u r indeed too young to know lah! btw, was hoping u'd be around yeaterday to give him a good teachers'day bash...nvm.
Nah...was to respectful..have to give him a break hahaha..it was his day anyway..besides..was on the road yesterday...
QV: yes, have to respect the elders hor!
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