Thursday, November 08, 2007

Rise Interest Rise

Interest rate has gone up again today. The Reserve Bank decided to raise another quarter percent bringing the official interest rate to 6.75% meaning an average mortgage will cost around $40 a month more.

This is not looking good for the government while they're on an election campaign. Now more and more struggling families will decide to vote for the opposition because they are angry, angry with the skyrocketing interest rate and angry with the government's Industrial Relation Law that looks after the employers more than the employees. Well maybe it is time for a change, the government's been in power for over 10 years now so a change of government might be a good thing. I'm still undecided on who I should vote for come the 26th.


clement said...

go 4 d less corrupted 1

Wuching said...

how do i know which one is less corrupt?