And then in the boot he has his clothes and gears everywhere. Looks like he lives out of his car! This car is getting worse everyday. Do you have a dirtier car than this? See if you can beat this car to be the dirtiest car in the world!
From The Book Of Wuching
wah! me first? this is a first! ;)
this is nothing! u shud have seen my brother's Wira!
Hmmm maybe I can blog it!!! ;)
kehkehkeh, no difference from my family car. Sometimes, there are rotting McD sundae in the backseat. Just wanna strangle my kids and tell them to take the bus.
Haha... Sound like Malaysian's car are far more dirtier than Australia's Dirtiest Car... Same to me... So in short... MALAYSIA BOLEH!
gosh...that was damn unmanage and dirty...
car also can become so dirty one meh?? interesting indeed...
wuah ...if someone see u blogging bout wt wat then susah ler ...
fh2o: unker! show me ur bro's wira, i wanna see.
5xmom: at least u have 4 kids, my boss only himself driving the car most of the time but still so dirty, he's just plain lazy to clean up!
wong: haiyah u! this is supposed to be company car, i have to drive too sometimes & this is too dirty for my liking!
simple american: i'll give him a trophy for winning!
dragon city: tell me about it..
robin: imagine how his house would be like if his car is so dirty..wait, his wife cleans up very well but she wouldn't clean his car! don't blame her..
wingz: u don't tell lah..shh..
Car "snow wash" with vacumn in Sibu only RM10...i.e. around AUS$3. That's why I never wash my car...send to the professionals, while I go for foot reflexology or body massage!!! Two birds with one stone!
Yuckkkkk! but then again who am I to complaint. My backseat is full of Chester's fur!
STP: can't compare sibu wif melb lah, if i still compare i die oredi!
che-cheh: u should blog about it wif pic too! :)
U should take a look at QV's car. If you get on the backseat, u'll most likely be siting on top of some stuff and your feet will also be resting on some other stuff. Alot worse then Aussie's dirtiest car for sure.
KNB: then i better not let him pick me up at the airport then, thankz for the tip!
weila: it reflects how dirty the owner is!
Is KNB's car any better?? I wonder...!
so small one the garbage truck..?
Well, KNB's car, u get wet football jersey's and wet stinking socks and God knows wet whatever....if you are not careful..
My car, its either my neck ties, my books or my bottle of mineral water and some empty ciggies box that i forgot to take up and of course dirt and dust lah hahahaha not to mention ciggarate ash hahahaha
woohoo it's a sty indeed. even dirty old me must admit no 2 now.
hmmm...that's considered not too bad lor, wuching.
i've seen a lot worse, from the outside to the inside...beyond repair...
QV - Don't tell me u get all wet when u are in my car? hahahah
STP - My car not so bad lar, the wet socks and jerseys are only on wednesday and sunday nights after my sporting activities. I even have ambi-pur car perfume and spray. Smells a bit like the cologne u use.
From puking maybe... hahahaha..not because of the air freshener but because of the wet jersey's and socks.. hahahahahha
Puking? Bird flu kah?
tat's not puking..tat would be leaking hahahahahaha
What was the company name, again? hehehehhe.
STP: anyone'car would be better than this one i think
seng kor: good description for this car
QV: KNB's car wet inside? not just from the sport gear eh? maybe he blows his loads everywhere! hahahaha
ah pek: now u know how i feel about driving this garbage truck..
laksa: any worse than this i don't even want to know oredi liao..
KNB: u get hot & steamy in ur car every night kah?
anonymous: eh, cannot say! so embarrassing..
Wuching... errr.. u have to ask KNB yourself..oh..you did hahahahah..lets see what he replies..
whats the use of a 4x4 if u cant get hot and steamy inside? hahahah U all jealous kah?
Hey, KNB! I use Calvin Klien, Dior or "Dunghill" lah...where got Ambi-pur!!! U use tat kah? Accountants! Use for car and body too! Save money!
QV: KNB says i'm CBC!
KNB: yaloh, we all jealous of ur big car..pick up chicks here & there, steaming up the inside & making a mess on the seat, windows, carpet...
STP: u use dunghill? what kinda dung? cow dung? horse dung?
Aiyo...KNB... u hang out with Mashimaro too much and now end up calling people CBC....hope you dont end up being CBC yourself.. hahahahahah
STP..I tot u use "Benson Anak Hedges" (smell of ciggy smoke on our body lingers that no matter how much cologne we use the smell of the ciggies will still be the strongest)
Ha ha ha! That was on purpose lah! That's how Foochows pronounce it! And Benson becomes "Bengseng"!
HAHAHAHA...be very careful..you are in a pure foochow blog and you are only 75% foochow...you might end up getting kicked and banned and you have to spend your exile in Aunty Lilian and YvY's blog hahahahahaha
OMG, tell me this is a joke!
Hahah...Wuching. I say u are jealous...not CBC lar. Haiyo, dont be so sensitive lar.
STP - I didn't say u use ambi-pur, just that ur cologne smells like ambi-pur. Maybe Dunghill perfume + B&H rokok = Ambi-pur smell. hahha.
QV - I no CBC one lar. If I am CBC i wouldn't be talking to ppl like u. kahhka
STP: apa ini? u malu to be 75% foochow issit?
QV: i never ban anyone wan lah, i'm the united states of wuching!
neo: no joke man!
KNB: i never said u said i'm cbc but jealous only! walau-eh! *roll eyes* (no, i wasn't being cbc just then)
I hope you will never be CBC or else Wuching and I will hantam you kau kau as how we hantam all CBC including in Kayak King's blog....hehehe..hey..that was Wuching I was hantaming..he was CBC there..hahahahahha..
Yes WUch...you never ban anyone..that is why we all love your blog so much and come here and talk cock and bull all the time.. hahaha...
QV: what? ur still here? i thot u went makan 10 minutes ago but ur still commenting! go makan first lah!
Hey, dun mean to be mean but... get the CSi team to have a look. That car definitely looks like a crime scene to me!! :-P
Ps.. remember to shine for blood stain.. **quickly runs off..**
maybe i will blog about it...if I have nothing to blog :P
not sure can see his fur on the photo or not....coz his fur is golden color and my car seat is cream color.
I know it's a joke!
helen: not just blood, all kinds of bodily fluids!
che-cheh: use macro shot
neo: no joke man!
eww yucks! totally gross! how could you even bear sitting in that for one second??
it's a total nightmare!
mei: wanna go for a ride wif me? hehehe
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