Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Let's go to the pub to get a beer and smell the BO!

Here in the state of Victoria the new law banning smoking in pubs and bars came into effect from August so now non-smokers can enjoy going to the pubs for a beer without smelling like smoke after a night out.

It's been just a week since the new law started but because there's no cigarette smoke in the pubs patrons are now complaining about the smell of stale beer, body odour, farts and urine! Some people say they'd rather smell cigarette smoke than these rancid odours, at least the smoke will cover up the pungent smell of BO! But hey, at least the odours don't give you cancer like secondary smoke can. You can't please everyone.


clement said...

wow, that's the smartest thing ever done, ei, i can't post comment in your other blog... :(

Serenity said...

New Jersey started the same ban 1 year ago and NY City 4 years ago. i think it's great that the bar or pubs here & Australia don't stink of cigarette smoke now. yup, those other foul odors can't kill u. no pun intended, but the air has truly cleared over the smoking ban here. hee..hee!

Simple American said...

I'll drink to no smoking. After you drink enough you won't care about any smells either. Just catch a taxi home. No DWI please.

Anonymous said...

This is good news! I rather smell those tangy scent than be a 2ndhand smoker.

me said...

it's hard to please everyone all the time. i don't like smelling 2nd hand smoke but i say...if you don't like the smoke, don't go to the pub!! or go to the open-air area. next thing u know, the pub owners will put in potpouri and aromatheraphy oil.....can you imagine leaving the pub smelling all rosy or lillies??? your wife will go..."WHO HAVE YOU BEEN WITH?!?!?"..kakakaka.

erinalaw said...

I agree with che-cheh. At lest those smell don't cause us cancer.

Wuching said...

clement: the server is playing up..watudo?

serenity: but i dun think i like to smell BO & farts either!

SA: what DWI? drinking while influenced?

che-cheh: eww..tangy smells u like!

me: thats why a lot of men are complaining this week!

erinalaw: but those smells make me puke!

Simple American said...

Driving while under the influence.